Part 19

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"You!" Said Katniss.

"You!" Said Newt

"You!" Said Minho

"You!" Said Bard

"You!" Said Legolas

"You!" Said Fluffy McGiggles

"You!" Said Gandalf

"You!" Said Sprinkles.

"Me!" Said the MONKEY!

Instead of stepping back, the members of the quest stood together, ready to fight, we dare to end this hunger for justice!!!

"How did you escape your cell?!" Asked Gandalf in annoyance.

"That lever conveniently set me free." He said with an evil chuckle. Then he looked at the wizard cruelly and said,

"If I were but an ordinary monkey, I would have clawed out your eyes by now. But seeing as I am an extraordinary monkey, I shall only state my demands and then inwardly happy dance as you all surrender before my greatness."

Minho was about to say something sarcastic and sassy, when Bard simply gave a complicated 20 note whistle. Katniss looked at the bowman in confusion. Fluffy Mcgiggles picked up the tune quickly and taped his orc feet to it.

All of a sudden the roof above them was broken! Icing the dragon zoomed in and before you can say, 'crank palace', the evil mammal was cornered by the dragon.

Bard walked up and pet the dragon. All of the fellowship looked on at disbelief.

"I-I thought you were supposed to tame that thing." Whimpered the Monkey.

"I did tame Icing. She doesn't like villians." Said Bard.

"The bubble blowing dragon slayer is now the whistle blowing dragon tamer." Newt whispered to no one in particular.

Sprinkles beamed. Her plan had worked! She was thrilled!! Yay Sprinkles!

"Now." Bard began as he stood before the monkey, "You will tell us how to return the items and correct all the fandoms or you will soon find out what the inside of a dragon looks like."

Gandalf chuckled. Legolas grinned and pumped his fist.

The monkey's knees were trembling and he gulped. The dragon inched closer and closer.


Gandalf frowned and stepped closer. "Why is that that simple?"

"It's too simple." Remarked Katisss.

"One does not simply fall for a simple solution." Remarked Legolas seriously.

Minho turned to the elf and made a face. "Dude. Just stand in the background and look cool. Don't open your mouth."

Legolas narrowed his eyes and things might have gone bad if Gandalf had not intervened.

"Not the time or the place. You two can kill each other on the ship."

Minho and Legolas nodded their aggrement and shook hands on it.

Bard rolled his eyes and focused on the monkey. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Y-yes I am!"

"I don't trust him." Grumbled Fluffy.

Sprinkles had a sudden idea. She pulled out her notepad and jot down some notes, finishing with 'Alright I'm out.' Then she read aloud.

"This monkey can only tell the truth. If it tells a lie, he will go bald immediately."

The monkey gasped but pleaded. "OK ok, fine! In order to fix the fandoms, you must- must." It was clear the monkey was fighting the truth.

"Out with it!" Shouted Gandalf.


All turned to the girl, who shrugged and started writing. One by one each item disappeared, assuming they returned to their correct homes.

The monkey gasped and fainted to the floor.

Legolas gave a look of both sorrow and relief. "It's over! It's done!"

"Not yet. What do we do with Glitter and the Monkey?" Asked Bard.

"Grievers!" Shouted Minho.
"Crank pit!" Exclaimed Newt.
"Hunger games!" Called Katniss.

"No. Then the fandoms will be destroyed by their presence. These two must be kept far far away from the fictional world." Said Gandalf.

"But the monkey is a fictional character." Added Fluffy.

Suddenly Sprinkles had the solution! She looked around the room and called out,

"Booming voice! Are you there?"

The old familiar voice came back and said, "I am always here."

"Is there room for two more in your therapy group?"

The voice replied in a cheerful manner, "Certainly!"

Gandalf then spoke up. "Do you believe therapy will help Glitter and Monkey?"

Sprinkles nodded enthusiastically. "Sure! If it helped Saur- I mean sure!"

Gandalf choose to ignore the slip of the tongue and only nodded in agreement. Soon the Fan-bulance was called in and the queen and her evil monkey were taken away to be cared for, then for immediate therapy.

Bard sighed deeply and hugged Icing around the neck.

"I will miss you Icing."

Newt came and patted the bowman on the back. "If you've seen one dragon, you've seen them all."

"Yeah, she has to stay here." Said Katniss.

"Maybe you guys can face time or something." Suggested Minho.

Gandalf frowned and hit the runner in the head with his staff. "Do not be ridiculous. This castle has no WiFi, I've checked."

"Really?" Asked Newt, "I figured a fangirl needed WiFi to breath or something."

"On the contrary, Nutella and Starbucks gives them energy." Corrected Gandalf.

"Anyway- we should really go now." Legolas added, as he was feeling uncomfortable talking about fangirls.

"Fluffy want to go home now." Said the orc.

That was about the time when all 10 of the teddy bear guards blocked their way. One stood in front and boomed,

"You shall not pass!"

Gandalf frowned. "Those are my lines and we will pass."

The bear shrugged. "I've always wanted to use that line. It was only a joke, please, leave. And take the orc with you."

Fluffy McGiggles glared but said nothing.

With that said, or not said, they left the pink castle and boarded the ship that had been left parked outside the entire time. Bard said a final goodbye to Icing and was the last to board the ship.

To be continued.... for the last time!!!

One more part and this story is complete!! :)

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