Gandalf part 2

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The wizard sat quietly in the small room, smoking his pipe. Truth be told, he was rather enjoying this time alone.

"No Hobbits to push out of doors, no proud dwarves, no popular elves, no orcs, no Barlogs, no nothing. I wish I had thought of this sooner."

The more Gandalf thought, the more content he became.

"Best of all, no responsibility. There is no one I have to lead to Mt. Doom and no homes to reclaim."

It was then that the booming voice returned.

"I am sure by now you are wondering what your part is in this adventure."

Gandalf allowed a chuckle. "No my good voice, I most certainly am not."

"Very well, it just so- wait? What did you say?!"

"Even a lengthy stay in Rivendell can not compare to how peaceful I feel."

The booming voice let out an awkward cough. "Yes, Rivendell. Uh, are you sure you don't want to know what your quest is?"

Gandalf stood up from the ground, "How would you like to see smoke rings?"

"I thought you enjoyed adventures." Said the voice nervously.

Gandalf shrugged. "One or two every hundred years is fine, but I need some 'me' time."

"You may have a crucial part to play."

Now Gandalf laughed. "What else is new?"

The voice said nothing and was gone. Gandalf took no notice and continued to smoke his pipe.

Suddenly, a voice came into his head!! Gandalf jumped a little but still heard the voice,

Luke use the force.

Gandalf tried to respond.

Who said that?

A girl replied quickly, Tom, is there someone else here?

The first voice came back,  Speak fellow Jedi.

Teresa? Is this some kind of joke?!

Gandalf rubbed his temples. All his stress was coming back.

Luke? Are you still there? Use the force!

Tom, what's going on? What's the force?

Gandalf suddenly sent a loud shout telepathically.  Be quiet!!!!!

No reason to be rude said Teresa

We can talk later replied Tom

Both Tom and Teresa left.

Luke, are you still there?

This time Gandalf spoke more calmly.

Excuse me, I am Gandalf the Grahite. Who are you and how can I hear you?

The voice responded.  You may call me Ben. I am using the force, as are you.

Yes, well I shall be going now .

Wait! Called Ben urgently. I sense trouble on your end. You have become weak and lazy. Your friends- they shall be in great danger.

How do you know this???

It is the force. Now hurry and may the force be with you.

Just like that Ben's presence left. Now Gandalf thought over those words.

'Danger? Looks like I have to clean up everyone's mess again. I can do nothing where I am now.'

Gandalf stood and called out, "Booming voice, I much desire to speak with you!"

The voice reappeared and said happily. "It took you long enough."

"First, I want to know, who are you?"

The voice hesitated. "It is best if you do not know. For then you would not trust me."

Gandalf opened his mouth to reply but stopped when the voice continued to speak.

"Do not ask me again."

Gandalf sighed but responsed,

"As you wish. Now, what's this about my part in this quest?"

To be continued.....

Gandalf doesn't have an item to get, but who do you think the voice is? I already have the character picked out and it will be revealed! :)

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