Newt part 3

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Newt heard Frodo whisper behind him.

"I have thought of a plan. You will distract the spiders. Once they chase you, I'll rescue the others."

Newt opened his mouth to protest but stopped as a large scary spider crept past their hiding spot. Newt had a sudden case of flashbacks of Grievers. It took all his will power to not run away.

Once the spider had passed, Newt let out a breath. He then went onto criticize Frodo's plan.

"No way am I playing Maze games here. You get chased and I let the others go."

"Why?" Whispered Frodo.

"Because- I'm Newt." He said as if that made perfect sense.

"I don't know you." Said Frodo in a what-is-that-even-supposed-to-mean Tone.

"Well now you do."

Frodo let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. we'll do it your way."

Suddenly one of the spiders was hovering dangerously close around the poor Merry and Pippin.  The two Hobbits were webbed and had no idea that danger was so horribly near.

"It's nice and juicy!" Slurred the spider as it poked one of them.

Before Newt was even ready, Frodo dashed out in the open. Still invisible.

'What makes him do that.' Thought Newt greedily.

The spiders jumped and squealed as Frodo ran past, as if they were being stung. That's when Newt noticed a blue glowing sword.

'I wish my Fandom had cool stuff. All we have is death and body oder.' Newt said with a shiver

Newt watched as each spider followed after the invisible Frodo. The Glader waited a few moments, just in case there were any straggler spiders.

Newt then jumped out from the shadows were he was waiting, just like a spider!

Reader- was that a Gone With the Wind movie refrence?

Me- yes

Reader- will anyone get it?

Me- I don't know. I hope so. If you got it, comment with #GoneWithTheWind

Reader- Lol!! In Newt's case it will be #GoneWithTheEvenstar

Me- lol!! That's a good one! :D

Reader- I had hoped you would like it.

Me- why?

Reader- you made it up.

Me-.... yes..... well..... back to the story!

Quick as a flash, he ran toward the captured fellowship. More accurately, he ran toward his quest, mission, thing.

Newt stood before Aragorn aka Strider aka Estel aka Isildur's heir aka all the other names he has.

The Evenstar gleamed brightly. Newt smiled as he reached out for the necklace.

Me- I just noticed- lots of jewelry in This fandom.

Suddenly, Frodo, who was now visible, came running back in the room. His face was full of terror, as one who has just read page 250 of-


Me- nope.

Eager reader- why not?!

Me- it's fun.

Eager reader- are going to get a lot of nasty comments from that statement.....

"Hey, I can see you!" Said Newt.

"The Ring was taken by one of the spiders-"

Suddenly Frodo fell face down. He was then being dragged off by an invisible force- most likely that spider.

"Help the others!" Frodo screamed as he was drug into the shadows.

Without any more urging, Newt grabbed the Evenstar.

"No use everyone dying."

Newt disappeared from the Lord of the Rings fandom, leaving it all in terrible chaos.

To be continued....

Well that fandom has been destroyed...

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