Bard part 3

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The wind blew through the bowman's hair. His eyes watered from the rush of wind.

"Ok Icing, let's land!" Bard shouted as he leaned closer to the dragon's ear.

Yes, Bard had both tamed and befriended the enormous, scary, black dragon named Icing.

The dragon took a quick nose dive. Bard held on tightly and gasped as the wind took his breath away. The landing was soft and easy. Bard let out a breath and wiped his forehead with his hand.

"Wonderful job girl."

The dragon purred and gave a dragonish smile. Bard laughed and stood to dismount. Icing bowed down to let Bard off.

Bard the bowman patted the dragon's head.

"Well, you have been tamed, although it wasn't hard at all."

Icing nudged her head close to the bowman and purred deeply. Bard smiled. It amused him how friendly and loveable this scary looking dragon was.

"What does that wretched queen want with you I wonder?" Asked Bard.

At the mention of the queen, Icing let out a roar and fire lit up in her eyes. Bard quickly petted the animal to sooth her.

"It's alright, I'm here. I won't let anyone bother you."

Too soon he spoke as one of the teddy bear guards- yes Glitter's guards are all teddy bears- walked toward them. Icing growled and went to go after the guard. Bard was quick to reassure the loveable dragon.

"The queen demands your presence in the throne room immediately." Said the teddy bear.

Bard sighed and looked at Icing. "I'll be back soon. I promise."

The dragon snuggled her head close to the bowman and Bard rubbed it.

"Immediately means now." Said the teddy.

Reluctantly Bard left the dragon. "Alright alright I'm coming." He said sharply.

Bard followed the teddy bear into the castle and to the throne room. As soon as he walked in, Glitter let out a shrill squeal.

"I have wonderful news! All of your friends have found their items and will be here shortly."

Bard just stood there. 'Maybe I can sic Icing on her.' He considered.

Glitter raised an eyebrow. "I thought you would be pleased."

"I'd be more pleased if they were already here." The bowman returned dryly.

"How about we start with one?" She asked sweetly. Then she turned in her seat and screamed, "Gandalf!!"

Bard raised his eyes in surprise. 'Gandalf is here?'

In walked the wizard. He seemed to be in good health. He even wore a smile as if he had a wonderful secret.

"Hello Bard. I hope you have been well."

"It's wonderful to see you-"

"That's like what Frodo said in the Fellowship of the ring movie!!! They hugged and there was that awkward laughing scene but it was so adorable!!" Squealed Glitter.

Bard inched away as he was very creeped out. Gandalf shrugged.

"The term is 'fangirling'. She does it a lot."

Bard nodded slowly. "Um ok. Well it's nice to see you. Where have you been?" He asked Gandalf.

Glitter clapped her hands. "Enough questions. Time is short. Bard, have you done as I asked of you?"

Bard rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Icing has been tamed."

"Perfect! Now if I can just find that useless monkey..."

Gandalf allowed a slight sly smile. Bard smiled as well. He knew Gandalf had things under control, as always.

Suddenly the overhead lights flickered. Glitter laughed wildly.

"The characters are returning! Quick, retrieve the writer so she may share in our joy!"

To be continued....

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