Part 15

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Last time on When Fandoms Collide in 30 words or less:

Hair check-up, the tragedy and triumph of an Elven King, leaping over a writer's block, the flying ship!

Continue Part 15

Bard watched in amazement as the ship, that was once grounded, flew past the clouds. The ship came near a cluster of tiny clouds and Bard began to reach out to touch one.

"I would not do that if I were you."

Bard snatched his hand back and looked behind him at the monkey, who had had yet another costume change and was wearing a mini Gandalf look-alike robe.

"Why is that?" Asked Bard.

"Because I have always admired Gandalf's taste in clothing."

Bard made a face. "What?? I was talking about the clouds."

"Oh that, because-"

The monkey was inturptted as a loud crash was heard down below.

Bard and the monkey exchanged looks.

"You should go down there, relax and enjoy the ride."

Regretfully, Bard made his way down the stairs and just barely missed getting smacked in the head by a flying bowl, complete with the fellowship engraved around the outside.

"THAT WAS MY FAVORITE BOWL!" Exclaimed Legolas as he rushed over and picked up the pieces.

Even though Bard was well within hearing distance of the elf all he could hear was a loud and rather scratchy song being sung by the crew while they threw plates, forks, spoons, bowls, etc.



"STOP STOP!" Shouted Gandalf.

Katniss threw a knife down into a table, thankfully not a mahogany table. Fluffy McGiggles smashed a plate over his head while Minho was staring at his reflection in a spoon. Sprinkles and Newt sat off in corner playing spoons.

"It is corks! Not porks!" Gandalf corrected.

"I WIN!" Newt shouted then looked down in embarrassment as everyone gave him a funny look.

The crew turned back to Gandalf and looked at him skeptically.

"I should know. I was there! Now back from the top! And someone go pick up that broken elf!" Ordered Gandalf.

The singing commenced while Bard helped Legolas to his feet and to the couch.

"I- I shouldn't be surprised. After all dwarves started that song." Legolas said with a sniffle.



Everyone broke down in laughter. While poor Bilbo, who was standing off to the side, crossed his arms and frowned.

"It was not amusing the first time. It is not amusing the second time nor any other time after!" He grumbled.

Turning back to our mad company-

Reader- Mad? (Lights up as thought occurrs) Are you going to put the mad hatter in this story?

Me- I have not considered it. Now let's get back to the story.

Reader- Oohhh!!! Or Captain Jack Sparrow!!!

Me- Well I-

Reader- Or better yet, just put Johnny Depp in this along with a personal costume closet of all his roles!!!

Me- Seriously? No!


Now, as I was saying our mad company was cooling down from so much laughter and-

Reader- In a hole in the ground,

Me- not now-

Reader- There lived a hobbit.

Me- Are you finished?!

Reader- Not a nasty wet hole filled with-

Me- Are you going to qoute the entire book??

Reader- Nope. Just the first page. Besides that's not the book it's the movie.

Me- Ok fine that's it! You want to talk so bad, here (tosses phone) you finish the chapter!

Reader- (picks up phone in reverence) s-s-seriously?

Me- I'll be back to reclaim Erebor- I mean the phone, when you complete this chapter. (Walks out door)

Reader- (giggles while doing happy dance) ok readers from everywhere... our dream is coming true, we- well I, can write what I want. Hehehe! ok here goes!

From the fingers of the reader...

Katniss suddenly began to do jumping jacks while Newt reenacted his death seen-

Ok sorry, just wanted to see if it would really work!

Just as the fellowship was calm from the laughter the ship suddenly lurched. A neon sign on the wall flashed:


Everyone scrambled to their seats and fastened their seat belts. The ship took off at lightening speed and as it did the tv crackled to live and there in high definition was the monkey!

"I'm pleased to see everyone had the sense to buckle up." He chuckled a bit then continued.

"We are about to enter an uncharted dimension. (The swirling background on the cover of this work) I feel it's only right that I warn you"

"Warn us about what?" Asked Sprinkles suspiciously.

The monkey looked down and gave a smirk. Then, facing this messed up crew, he spoke.

"Your fandoms are about to really collide."

To be continued!

Me- Wait wait wait! What did you just do??

Reader- I used my creativity to destroy the fictional world.


Reader- isn't that what writers do?

Me- Yes but- do you even know what you just did!?

Reader- I Collideded the Fandoms.


Reader- I improved it. Your readers will thank me.

Me- oh really? Let's just see about that.


(And yes I know I was arguing with myself. That's what happens you when write in the dead of night ;) )

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