Bard part 2

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Bard the bowman woke suddenly when the ship landed roughly. He stood, but the moment he did, he slipped on the melted banana split from the previous part.

"The monkey!" Bard exclaimed as everything came back to memory.

"You called, Master Bowman?" The familiar voice asked.

Bard looked to see the monkey, who was now wearing black jeans, a black turtle neck (or perhaps in this case it would be called a monkey neck? Lol) and a black biker jacket.

"You have a lot of costume changes." Noted Bard.

"Why certainly. Some would call this dauntless."

Bard frowned. "I've always pictured you as more of an Erudite."

Reader- why is Bard suddenly so knowledgeable of Divergent???

Me- Because I wrote it that way.

Reader- oh.

The monkey chuckled. "You have much to learn. And I'm sure you did not call for me just so you could admire my ensembles."

"Where am I? And what's all this business about a queen?"

"Come, she awaits."

Bard had no choice but to follow. They left the ship and Bard took in the scene before him.

A dark and menacing castle! Bats flew about, a creepy mist floated through, in the distance a wolf howled.

"Um what Fandom is this supposed to be?" Asked Bard with hesitation.

"No fandom. This is reality."

"Oh. A queen lives in this place?"

"But of course. Now come along. We must not keep her majesty waiting."

Over the black bridge they went. Nasty water filled the moot and it seemed to bubble. Bard quickened his pace.

'What's the matter with me? I'm the dragon slayer! Nothing should frighten me!'

As the two entered the castle. Bard stopped short. He looked at the interior then stepped back to look at the exterior. Back and forth he went. Confused and bewildered.

The monkey watched with amusement.

"Anything the matter?" He asked mockingly.

Bard pointed outside. "Did we step through an alternate world or something?"

The monkey chuckled evily.

"Outside looked so creppy and dark. But inside it's so- so PINK!"

Indeed from the roof to the walls to the carpet, everything was covered in pink. Stuffed animals lined the walls. Bowls of candy sat atop tables. And bookcase after bookcase filled one entire room.

"Where are we?!" Asked Bard incredulously.

"Did a dragon's roar ruin your hearing? We are here to see the queen!"

At that moment a loud, shrill voice was heard.

"Monkey? Is that you? Do you have the guest?"

"Hurry!" Whispered the monkey.

Bard and his furry companion made their way to what seemed to be the throne room. Again, more pinkness. The only dark thing was a large shadow swimming beneath the pink glass tile floor.

At the pink fluffy throne sat a girl. She wore a gold crown and was (shockingly) dressed in a frilly pink dress.

The monkey knelt down then shoved Bard down in a knelling position.

"Queen Glitter, I have brought you the bowman, as promised."

Bard glared at the monkey. "What happened to 'stick with me and I'll never steer you wrong?'"

The monkey replied, "I have brought you here, haven't I?"


"Silence!" Queen Glitter shouted.

When all was quiet she continued. "Now Bard, I'm so thrilled to meet you. I have something important for you to do."

Bard stood and crossed his arms.

"I'm not doing anything for you! What happened to my friends? I have a feeling you two are behind this!"

"See your highness? A smart lad, just as I said."

"Indeed." Purred the queen.

"Shall I bring in the girl?" Asked the monkey.

"Yes, I believe our new friend needs to know just what is at stake."

The monkey left the room. Bard kept his defiant attitude but was beginning to think things were only going to get worse.

The monkey returned, leading out-


"Oh keep still. She is perfectly fine. She should be enjoying herself, she is doing what she loves best." Returned Glitter.

Sprinkles glared. "I do not enjoy hurting my friends!"

"But you do so well at it!" Returned Glitter with amusement.

"All the same, I-"

Bard quickly interrupted. "What is going on? I demand to know!"

"Shall you tell him, sister? Or shall I?"

"Sister?!" Exclaimed Bard.

Sprinkles let out a sigh. "Unfortunately she is my evil twin sister. She's been making me do- horrible, unspeakable things to our friends! She has- unleashed my full writing potential."

Bard gasped! "But you said you were safe."

"I was." Sprinkles said in a whisper.

Queen Glitter left her throne and moved closer. 

"This girl has been making trouble left and right. Spiders in Rivendell, Prim in the Hunger Games, I have yet to destroy a couple others."

"So this is all your doing? Not Sprinkles' at all!?" Accused Bard.

"Of course. But when, and if, your little friends return, will they ever trust her again?"

Bard had no reply. Sprinkles wiped away a tear and kept her head down.

"Now, we are running out of time. Each one of your company knows what item is needed. You must complete your task quickly. " said the queen.

"Why should I work for the villian?"

Glitter smiled. "It would not break my heart to make Sprinkles write worse things. In fact, let's have some more fun. Sprinkles! I command you to write that-"

"No stop!" Shouted Bard. "I'll do as you ask."

Glitter laughed. "A wise decision. Monkey, take back Sprinkles to the writing room."

The monkey led our sad writer away. Bard felt so deafeted.

"Now, you will tame my pet."

Bard frowned. "Excuse me."

Glitter let out a shrill whistle. All of a sudden a terrifying roar was heard outside. A rush of horrible wind was heard.

"You shall no longer be a dragon slayer, but a dragon tamer."

To be continued...

Wow that was more dramatic then funny.

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