Fluffy McGiggles part 2

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The orc suddenly found himself surrounded by none other than...

"Look what we have here." Said a cruel looking blonde boy.

"We should we do with him Cato?" Smiled a dark hair girl.

Fluffy let out a rather orcish growl.

The boy mocked a fearful stance. "Oh no! It's mad!"

"Let's just kill it and get it over with!" Exclaimed the girl, who's name was Clove.

Suddenly Fluffy McGiggles let his true evil orc side out. With a yell he charged at the girl and before you can say 'tea is at four don't bother to knock' Clove found herself in an orcish headlock. Far worse than a regular headlock.

Clove sputtered and gasped for air. Fluffy, of course, ignored this and instead began to talk in rough orcish.

"Ukgh ripser wquop druos rkipts!"

Eager reader- oh!!! You speak Orcish??!!!

Me- no.

Eager reader- so you just made that all up?!

Me- yes.

Eager reader- You just offended the entire race of Orcs! Orcs have feelings too!

Me- Orcs are fictional.

Eager reader- ........ be that as it may. That was rude.

So anyway...

The career pack, as they are called, exchanged confused glances.

One turned to Cato and whispered, "Must be from district 12."

Cato threw back his fist and punched the poor guy in the face. Without caring that his so called 'allie' was now laying unconscious on the ground, Cato moved closer to the Orc.

"What did you say?"

Fluffy, who isn't being too fluffy right now, growled and said,

"I'm not an 'it'. I have a name!"

Clove was still in the headlock and was turning blue from the lack of air.

"Ok, what's your name?"

Fluffy suddenly felt unsure if he should really give out his name. I mean come on- an ORC named FLUFFY MCGIGGLES?! Who would do such a thing??

Oh... right, I did. Well uh... back to the story then...

"Release Clove." Cato said firmly.

Fluffy looked down at the girl in disgust and dropped her to the ground. Clove didn't move. Cato rushed to Clove and felt for a pulse.

Cato looked up at the orc and smiled. 

"You want to join the careers?"

Fluffy sneered. He didn't like these people. Come to think of it, he didn't like people period. Instead of an answer, Fluffy took out his orcish blade and stabbed Cato in the leg.

(I find that fair as Cato did that to Peeta!)

So Fluffy McGiggles left the career pack. Two were passed out and one screaming in pain. Yes Fluffy is becoming a true Orc! :)

Is that really a good thing you may ask? Well I don't know. But we shall venture further and find out.

The orc then was on a mission to find where that lovely scent of bread was coming from. Deeper into the forest he ran. No longer was he driven by thirst. This Orc could go miles and miles now.

Suddenly his mission comes to an end as he finds what he had been looking for. To the Orc's surprise, the smell of bread was not coming from bread, but from a person.

Fluffy then jumped out of the bushes at the person. The boy gave a sound of surprise and backed up.

"Bread!" Shouted the Orc.

"Excuse me?" Asked the blonde boy.

"I smell bread!"

The boy offered a short smile. "I worked in a bakery back home. I don't see how you smell it still on me, but-"

The boy stopped suddenly as Fluffy got in his face.

"I want bread! This is the hunger games and I'm hungry!"

"Look you've got this all wrong. If your hungry, I found some berries you can have."

The boy held out a handful of RED berries. (You all thought he was going to give him THOSE berries?! You people are crazy!)

The Orc gubbled down the juicy fruit.

"I don't remember seeing you at the training center. Or at the Chariot parade. Or at the interviews." Said the boy.

"I'm new."

"Nice to meet you New, I'm Peeta."

Fluffy frowned. Peeta thought his name was New?! Well it's better that Fluffy.

All of a sudden a booming voice came from nowhere! Peeta looked around.

"We game makers are adding a twist to the games! Another tribute has been added. An untrained and unprepared tribute. Have fun!"

Eager reader- is this more work of Glitter?

Me- why yes, yes it is. *evil author cackle!*

Eager reader- poor Sprinkles... :(

Me- yes poor Sprinkles. Now let's get back to the fun!!

Peeta looked very bewildered.

"A new tribute? But why?"

Suddenly a girl came running up! Her braid flew behind her and the look of concern played clearly over her face.

"Katniss?!" Exclaimed Peeta.

"Peeta! The new tribute- what if it's-"

All of a sudden all of our fears and questions were answered. The new tribute, who seemed to have been placed right before us, ran into Katniss' arms and broke down in tears.

Katniss cried. Peeta cried. Effie cried. Haymitch cried. District 12 cried. Fluffy looked on.

"Prim! What happened?! Why are you here?!" Cried Katniss.

It was then that Fluffy was given the object he must get from this sad fandom.

"Tracker Jacker? What's a Tracker Jacker??"

To be continued...

Wow lots of plots forming...

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