Gandalf part 3

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The booming voice was silent and it quickly wore on Gandalf's nerves.

"Well out with it already! What is my quest?!"

The voice seemed to sigh.

"First, I must tell you of the enemy. Sit down."

Gandalf crossed his arms. "I have fought worse enemies than you could imagine! Nothing will surprise me."

The voice then took on a sarcastic tone. "How about an over- obsessive, highly emotional, deadly queen who happens to be the biggest fangirl ever in the history of fangirls who plans to eventually take over every single Fandom and rewrite them to her liking with the assistance of a powerful writer?"

Gandalf blinked once, twice, three times. Then he cleared his throat and sat down.

"As you were saying?"

The voice sighed. "That's better. I must have your complete trust and obedience."

Suddenly everything the voice had said clicked in the wizard's over burden mind.

"Fandom you say? Does that include-"

The voice cut of the question with a depressing reply.

"Yes, Middle Earth will be in the sad shape it is currently in, forever. Unless you complete your part of the quest and you and your friends somehow stop Glitter."

Gandalf allowed a small chuckle of confidence.

"Middle Earth was in peace when I left it."

The voice raised an eyebrow, if one could see the voice.

"You have no idea. Rivendell has been taken over by spiders, the fellowship is webbed, Frodo has lost the ring. In the Hobbit-"

"STOP!" Cried Gandalf as he covered his ears. "It's all lies!"

"I'm afraid you are in denial. Are you ready to hear your quest?"

Gandalf sat up straight. "Yes."

"The monkey is more dangerous than he seems. He will be your demise. You must destroy him before, the unspeakable happens. I listen in through the walls and have heard of a terrible plan the monkey has up his sleeve. Not even Glitter knows of this."

Gandalf agreed whole-heartedly that the monkey had to go. "What is his plan?"

The voice shuddered. "He plans to force Sprinkles to change his monkey form into a... barlog."

Gandalf shot up from where he was sitting. "Sprinkles would never! She has limited power!"

"A lot has happened since you were imprisoned. Glitter is forcing Sprinkles to write for her. How else do you think Middle Earth is in chaos?"

"He must be stopped! Let me out of this confounded room!"

"I'm afraid there is no way out. Once inside, there is no door leading in or out. Not even Glitter can let you out."

Gandalf glared. "Then why I am here?"

"The monkey put you here to keep you out of the way. You are called a pest, a meddler, a disturber of the peace."

"Then how-"

"I shall grant you the ability to walk through walls. With this power, grab the monkey and bring him back to this cell. "

Gandalf rubbed his hands together craftly. "Yes, I shall not fail."

"Go quickly, and beware." The booming voice finished.

"Wait- why are you helping me?" Asked Gandalf.

There was no reply, as the voice was gone.

Gandalf immediately walked through the nearest wall and found himself standing in a large room. And who was in that room but-

"Sprinkles?" Whispered Gandalf.

The sad writer looked up and beamed when she saw the wizard.

"Gandalf, what in middle earth are you doing here?"

Gandalf walked closer. "No time to explain. Tell me, where is the monkey? For I much desire to ring his scrawny, hairy, scheming little neck."

Sprinkled chuckled "He's been in and out of here a lot." She paused but then said, "Gandalf,  I'm really sorry about-"

Gandalf offered a sad smile. "I have been informed already. Tis not your fault, all is pardoned."

Sprinkles smiled. Suddenly the door to the opposite side of the room opened. Gandalf slide through the wall beside him quickly but kept an ear in the wall so he could listen in.

"I come baring complements from the queen. She throughly enjoyed the show. I personally enjoyed the look of betrayal on Bilbo's face when the contract was stolen." The monkey said gleefully.

Gandalf frowned to hear such things. He then heard Sprinkles say,

"I assume Glitter is getting an earful of this conversation?"

Gandalf heard the monkey coming closer to where he was hidden.

"I detest puns." Said the monkey.

Gandalf deemed the beast was close enough and jumped through the wall. The monkey gasped. Sprinkles clapped.  During the unexpected journey- I mean surprise, Gandalf grabbed the monkey and ran through the wall he had first come through.

All the time the monkey screeched and bit at the wizard.

"Hush you foul thing! I wish I had let Katniss shoot you back in the inn."

Reader- wow that was forever ago!!

Me- I know right?!

Quick as silver Gandalf entered his former prison, dumped the monkey down and left the room. 

He could hear the monkey moaning and screaming. Gandalf laughed to himself. Unfortunately, at that moment a sticky sweet voice spoke.

"Why it's Gandalf! A delight to have a wizard such as yourself. Come, sit with me while we await for your friends to return."

Gandalf looked at the girl. All dressed in pink.

"Who are you? How do you know me?"

The girl giggled in an adorable way.

"I am queen Glitter. Come, let's chat of fireworks and elves."

To be continued....

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