Part 9

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Last time on When Fandoms Collide in 30 words or less:

A final errand, bubble-popping dragons and a new dragon slaying, arrow flying, Bard!

Continue Part 9

"Dragon Slayer?" Legolas said skeptically.

"Dragon slayer." Katniss said with stars in her eyes.

"Dragon Slayer!" Gandalf said full of pride.

"Ok, we've established he is a big bad, bubble blowing dragon slayer." Newt said in an exasperated tone.

Bard eyed the boy but decided to let it pass- this time.

"So what was so urgent?" Inquired Bard.

"Ah yes. Do you have it ready as we had discussed?" Asked Gandalf.

"Umm yeah but there has been a slight problem."

"What sort of problem?"

"Well..." Bard scratched the back of his head.

"It was sort of uh...stolen."

"WHAT???!!!" Gandalf exclaimed!!

"What was stolen?" Asked Legolas.

"Stay out of this Greenleaf!" Shouted Gandalf.

Legolas had tears in his eyes and backed up.

"Who took it? We must have it!"

"I don't know who took it or why or when or how or what." Bard answered clamly.

"Then how do you know it was stolen?!"

"It's not where I left it."

Gandalf let out a rather loud and long sigh in which the company got an unpleasant whiff of his own dragon breath.

Author- Ok I just grossed myself out!

Suddenly Bard looked past Gandalf and he saw a swift movement in the shadows.

"Umm guys... are we being followed?" Bard asked nervously.

"Not to my wide, expansive and most cunning knowledge." Answered Gandalf.

"If your knowledge is so great then where is whatever Bard lost?" Minho asked.

"STOLEN!" Bard shouted.

No answer could come for at that very moment a Pipe Organ fell from the sky- narrowly missing Katniss's foot.

Every one let out a scream and the group was about to make it one of those dramatic RUN-FOR-YOUR-LIFE-moments. When suddenly....................

Eager reader: just get on with it already!!!!

Me: I love tormenting my readers, in a good way of course.


Time seemed to stop!

Gandalf stood on one leg, his mouth opened wide. Katniss had both hands up in the air with her legs spread as if about to jump. Legolas was in the midst of tripping over an invisible flower. Minho was doing an amazing back flip. Newt stood in his I'M-THE-COOLEST-GLADER-DON'T-MESS-WITH-ME pose. While Bard had his arms out reached in front and his mouth was stuck in an "Run" postion.

Out from the shadows stepped a small, and most innocent looking young girl. Long brown hair pulled back in a elaborate ponytail, huge red glasses that framed her face beautifully.

She stood in pure glee of this odd and funny group of characters. Then taking out her fluffy pen, complete with springy cupcake atop, and a mini memo pad that said "I'd rather be writing." On the cover.

*Which is rather ironic seeing as when she has out the notepad she is actually writing! Did everyone get that? Hehe (nervous laughter)*

She wrote down a few words, her eyes focused entirely and her hand moving quickly. After she finished she looked up and spoke.

"Alright I'm out."

The company immediately came back to life, and yes Legolas did fall over the invisible flower. ;)

"What did you do? Who are you? Have you been following us?" Katniss asked, her bow notched and ready.

"Relax, I'm no one you need to fear- well as long as I stay in this story." She smiled mischievously.

"Answer the questions." Newt said.

"Sprinkles is the name and writing is my game. I mearly froze time and yes, if you go back to Part 6 you'll see me in the last paragraph."

Turning to Minho she gave a shrug. "Sorry about the Seaweed prank, just wanted to see how far my powers would work."


"Certainly. As was the unknown hushed whisper in part 8 who qouted Frodo."

"What do you want?" Legolas asked.

"I want to join on the adventure of a lifetime. I am overly qualified and will come in handy."

"Sorry we are all full." Bard said gently. "This girl is dangerous- let's get outta here" He whispered to Gandalf.

"You need me more than I need you." Sprinkles began.

"Oh really?" Minho said, still upset over his spoiled snack.

"You see, I have your ship." She said smugly.

"How? When?" Bard exclaimed.

"What ship?" Asked Katniss

"Trust me, you don't want to get involved." Advised Legolas.

"Bard here, had a ship waiting for us. The stolen one." Gandalf answered gruffly.

"I know how important it is and I will give it back as long as you promise to bring me along as a member of the crew."

"Or what? You'll turn our brains to seaweed?!" Newt snapped.

"Unfortunately, no. I can not in any way harm, maim, kill, or destroy any characters while in this story. My powers have been limited, for a good reason. Or katniss here would have been flattened by that organ."

"But you froze us! And I fell!" Legolas corrected.

"Correction- I froze the time around you, I could not legally freeze you. And you would have tripped anyway, I just prolonged the pain, you're welcome."

The group exchanged looks and finally Gandalf said.

"Alright, you are now a member of the crew."

To be continued!

Sprinkles character is MonsterCupcake61176 Please please go check out her page- an amazing friend and writer. And yes I limited her writing powers for a good reason... yikes!

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