Chapter Five

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Daniel would be here in two hours. I hurried up, hopped in the shower, washed my body, hair, and shaved. Then I hopped out and dried my straght hair. I practically ran to my closet. I picked a a white bandeau top with frills, some high waisted denim short shorts and some black heels to top it off. I got dressed, except for the heels and went to do my hair.

Lynne went off to her boyfriend's house so I had to get ready all alone which sucked. But hey, maybe soon it'll be me off at my boyfriend's house if you get what I'm putting down.

I curled my hair to perfection and pulled pack the front then I did my makeup plain and simple. I slipped on my heels and sprayed some of Lynne's One Direction perfume. I don't usually use it, hell she won't let me go near it, but I've smelt it on her and it smells really good. Once I was completely ready I sat in the kitchen waiting for him to come. About five minutes later he was there. 

He came up to my door and knocked. I made sure to take a little bit, so he didn't think I was waiting for him. Even though I was. God, he just got here and I'm already a mess. I just really like him. Well, I don't know him. But it feels like I do. Oh my God I'm talking to myself. I'm going insane!

He's just making me so crazy and I don't even know him that well! I think all my thoughts on love at fist sight just changed. It's like-

"Ding dong!"

Oh my God oh my God he's at the door what do I do?!?! Oh ya, probably open the door. I laughed at myself. C'mon Katie, time to get your game on.

I opened the door to see the most beautiful human being I've ever set eyes on. "Daniel." I almost whispered.

"Why hello there gorgeous, how are you today?"

I could feel my cheeks heat up as I blushed. "I was good before you got here." He got quiet.

"Now, I'm great." He flashed me a big smile and grabbed my hand.

"C'mon" He said. "Let's go." He led me to his car, walking ahead of me slightly so he could open the door first. What a gentleman. I thanked him and he replied with a cheeky grin.

The car ride was silent. Not awkward silence, but comfortable silence. One Direction's song 'Live While We're Young' played in the backround.

"You like One Direction?" I questioned him.

He blushed, embarrassed. "Ya, a little they're really talented." He looked straight at the road.

"It's ok that you like them. I like them too."


"Ya, my roommate Lynne is obsessed."

He laughed. "I'll have to meet her one day." One day. That means we will be seeing each other again! Doesn't it? I think so!

I turned up the music as we sang along.

"I know we only met but let's pretend it's love! And never never never stop for anyone! Tonight let's get some! And live while we're young!"

"Alright, we're here!"

I looked out the window. We were at Daisy's Dairy Stand. "Ice cream!" I yelled as I hopped out of the car.

Daniel laughed as he ran around the car and we linked arms. We walked up to the stand, there was an older man and a woman in her thirties standing in front of us. Probably father and daughter.

"What do you want?" He asked me sweetly.

"Umm I think I'll get the chocolate covered in nuts. You?"

He smiled. "That's my favorite!"

Once the people moved from in front of us we approached the worker, a girl about 15 or 16 who was very peppy.

"Hi how can I help ya!?!"

"We'll take to chocolate cones with nuts please." Daniel replied.

"Comin right up!" She said. She went to the back of the shack and soon came back. "It'll be done in a sec." She said.

"Okay." I replied.

"You guys are really cute together." She said looking at us. Before we could thank her she looked back at me, and her eyes widened.

"Your the girl from Twitter!" She gawked.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Your the one who knows Harry Styles!" She started freaking out. Soon an old man came from the back of the shack with our ice creams. We paid him and went to sit down.

"What was that all about?" Daniel asked me.

I laughed to myself. "Oh nothing."

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