Chapter Thirty

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"Katie, get up its 1pm!" I slowly pried my eyes open. Zoè was standing at the edge of my bed.

"What?" I mumbled, sitting up. She giggled. "You've gotta get up! You meet Harry at the park in an hour!" "What?!?"

I immediately sprang out of bed. "Well why didn't you wake me earlier?!?" I grabbed my phone. I had one message from mum saying ok, wow she's being nice. Weird. I think it might be because if our little talk we had about grandpa yesterday.

Harry had sent me a message too.

"Hey gorgeous, meet at the yellow playground. xx -Harry"

I blushed and Zoè, who was reading it over my shoulder winked.

"C'mon grab your stuff I'll drive you home!"

Once we got back to my mum's house I ran to my room. I took a quick shower and changed into some tie dye cutoff shorts and a while shirt that says 'I Ship Us'. I put on my white Converse and blow dried my hair. It was frizzy, so I put it into a side fishtail braid and checked the time, 1:50, giving me just enough time.

I informed my mum that I was going to borrow the car, grabbed the keys and headed out to the garage.

I drove down the old roads in a shiny black Lincoln. As I probably mentioned before, my whole family is pretty fortunate when it comes to money.

I finally approached the park. The park here is weird, there's a blue playground, for the babies, yellow for the younger kids, and red for the older ones. The red isn't much if a playground, it has swings, monkey bars, a jungle gym, and a couple slides, but there's not really a play set, since its for kids like 9 and up.

In between all the playgrounds is just grass. And beyond that is just land, with benches and stone paths, and built in fish ponds.

I didn't see Harry's car yet so I decided to wait in the parking lot.

A short time later I saw him pull up. He got out of the car and went and sat down on a bench.

I waited a minute, then grabbed my things and got out. What? I didn't want him to know I was waiting for him!

When I got there he stood up and greeted me with a right hug.

"Hello, how are you?" He said. "Great and you?" "Just peachy."

He sat back down and patted the seat next to him, signaling me to sit down.

Once I sat down I looked to him. "So did you say you wanted to talk about something?"

His smile turned into a frown, but he quickly recovered by wearing a somewhat serious face.

"Listen Katie..."

And that's when he told me about Sam and how he came to his house. And how Daniel was Sam's brother.

When he finally finished I was totally stumped. Why didn't Daniel tell me? Did Sam go to the same place I did, on the same plane for a reason? Wow, this is a lot to take in.

"Oh ya and one more thing." He said. I looked at him and he smiled cheekily. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled wide. "Yes Harry, I'd love too."

After that we talked a while then decided to take a walk. We exited the playground areas and walked the stone paths.

Surprisingly, nobody bothered Harry. Because its his hometown I suppose. We agreed to just take the walking trail through the woods since it would be slightly more private, just so we could talk without anyone overhearing.

We where walking and Harry entwined his hand with mine. I stiffened. I'm not sure why, I mean, we are dating now.

He noticed my slight resistance, so he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around my waist. Now this is what I like.

I'm really into Harry. I just hope he doesn't think of me any different now than he did, since he knows that I slept with Sam just because I could.

I guess he knew that I had a lot on my mind, so Harry started up a conversation.

I won't tell you what we said, because some of it is extremely personal and inappropriate. But I will say that I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in front of a guy. Not even Daniel.

When we were done walking the three mile trail we decided to go grab some dinner.

We didn't want to go anywhere fancy, since neither of us were dressed for it, so we just stopped at a Dairy Queen.

We ordered and sat down at a booth in the corner of the restaurant. I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. I looked around.

Harry looked at me confused. "Love, is there something wrong?"

"H-Harry," I stuttered. "That's Daniel." I pointed to a table across the room from us and sure enough, Daniel was sitting there, across from...

Matt? What the heck is going on? Harry got up from his seat and almost knocked over the worker who was bringing our food.

I quickly apologized to her for Harry who was rushing over to their table.

"Harry stop!" I yelled. Matt turned around in his seat and his eyes got wide. "Katie what are you doing here?" He said smiling.

I would've answered him, but I was too busy holding Harry back from punching Daniel in the jaw.

"Harry no!" Harry pushed his fist out and Daniel flinched. He almost punched him, but I pulled him back.

Daniel stood up. "What the heck man? First you go and steal my girl and now your trying to beat me up? Shove off!"

Matt was just sitting there like a lost puppy. Why was he here with Daniel?

Harry was furious. "C'mon Harry lets go!" I said struggling to pull him back. He stepped back and wrapped his arm around me, and we walked out.

•A/N- Woooh! This book is becoming more a mystery! You like?

Also thank you sosososososo much for 500 reads! I honestly can't believe it and I'm so thankful and I wish I could just buy you all One Direction tickets! Sadly, I don't know who any of you are anndd I don't have any money. :p lol

Anyways thank you guys!!!



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