Chapter Nine

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As Lynne stared at me expectantly I finally, but hesitantly picked up the phone.

I didn't exactly 'like' my mom. She'a one of those moms who want the perfect job, perfect husband, perfect, kids, and well I was never one of those kids. I've always been a troublemaker, which she couldn't stand. So the only reason she ever calls is to tell me I did something wrong, or to give bad news.

My voice cracked as I answered, "Hello?"

"Kathrine honey, we need to talk." My mothers voice rang from inside the phone. Do you see how she is?

"Mom, I've told you before, I go by Katie now and sure what is it?" I could almost hear the frustration in her voice. I didn't even do anything!

She sighed. "You are my daughter, I am your mother and I named you, therefore I will call you by the name I originally gave you."

Oh my god, we haven't even been on the phone for three minutes and we're already fighting. "Ok whatever mom, what did you need to talk to me about?"

"Oh yes," She cleared her throat. "Your grandfather, my father recently passed away. Your flying here next week for the funeral and family time."

Wow, I'm flying to England next week! Wow this is exciting! I'll get to see all my cousins! "Well great! Well not grandpa dying but, ok well umm when am I flying out?"

" Your plane is Wednesday, which is only four days away. You need to pack your things because you'll be staying for around a month."

"Ok, umm what time is my flight and what plane is it on?"

"I'll email you the details once we get off the phone. I'll call you before you board the plane that day."

"Oh, well alright does dad know?" There was talking in the backround.

"I've got to go, I'll call you."

"Ok well by-" I was cut off by her hanging up. Typical.

Lynne was still sitting on the edge of my bed. "Your leaving me for a month?!? Katie!" She whined.

I laughed. "Oh you'll get over it. Plus while I'm gone maybe Jacob can come over and you guys can hang out." I winked at her. She stuck her tongue out at me. We both laughed.

"Now get outta here! I need my beauty sleep!" I yelled at I pushed her off the bed.

"Oh please, you just want me out so you can text Hazza boy." She winked and blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes as I got out of bed and pushed her out of the room, locking the door. I then resumed to my bed and checked my message from as Lynne would say, 'Hazza boy'.

(A/N- Hey just a little reminder in case you forgot, Jacob is Lynne's boyfriend which I kinda picture as Finn Harries (look him up)! Well thanks for reading! Love yew!

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