Chapter Seventeen

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Zoè and... Austin? Kissing? What?!?!!! I coughed. They both looked up, red in the face. Austin stood up. "Katie, please I can explain!" Saying nothing I rushed out of the room into my own.

There I sat, on the bed, blow drying my hair while singing along to the One Direction song that I was blasting through my phone speaker.

"So c'mon c'mon and dance with me baby!" Matt sang as he ran through my bedroom door. I laughed. "Your so gay." I told him. "Oh whatever." He replied, doing the 'gay hand flip' as Lynne would call it. "Lets go somewhere!" He said jumping onto the bed. I laughed. "Like where?" "Well, I know it's not your 'usual' scene, but Josh and Joe have a basketball game and I don't wanna take them by myself!" He pouted.

"Alright, just let me change real quick." I said. "No! We don't have time!" He protested. "Matt! What's the rush?" "Well," He said. "The game is twenty minutes away and it starts at ten." "But its 9:50!" "Exactly so let's go!" He said practically dragging me out of the room. Wow, this is gonna be a crazy day.

Joe and Josh are late for their game and they are not happy. Well I don't blame them! The game started like 10 minutes ago and we're not even there yet! Why? I'll tell you why.

Since Matt decided to leave late he was going way over the speed limit. Therefore we got pulled over and he got a warning. The. About five minutes later he was caught speeding again and got 2 tickets! That's right two! Because he had got a warning only a few minutes earlier. So we still won't get the ball diamond until at least 10:30 if Matt decides to actually follow the law. Which I highly doubt.

We finally got to the diamond about twenty minutes late. Like I assumed, getting two speeding tickets still didn't stop Matt from breaking the speed limit. I think part of it was so he wouldn't get in too much trouble for getting the boys to their game too late.

I sat in the bleachers next to Matt, who was consumed in the amateur game of baseball, yelling whenever something bad happened, and jumping out of his seat when our team, 'The Bobcats' made a run.

I like baseball, I really do. I dated the star of the team back when I was a Junior in high school. I make it out to sound like it was ages ago, when really it wasn't. Only a couple of years. Maybe if I went to college things would be different. Maybe I'll look into that.

"C'mon Joe run!" I looked over to see Matt jumping up and down in the bleachers, hands in the air. Joe was running from third to home with the ball flying right behind him. He ran until home plate and then slid right as the ball came sinking in. "Safe!" The umpire yelled out. There were various cheers and boos sounding from the crowd.

I'm happy for Joe, and Josh, but its really hard for me to concentrate on the game. I can't seem to stop thinking about Austin and Zoè. It's so unexpected! Who would've known? I wonder if anyone else does know, probably not. I decided I'd just try to forget what I saw.

The boy's team ended up winning, so we all went down to a local bar/legion to celebrate.

For a small town, there's a surprisingly big baseball team. Which means it was extremely loud. Honestly I wanted to leave, but I didn't want to ruin the boys' fun. Even Matt looked like he was having a blast, holding his beer in the air while talking to a group of boys around the same age as me.

I made my way across the room to the bar. "I'll take a Coke." I said to the bartender who was bent down under the counter, probably picking something up. Finally she stood up and looked right at me.

"Katie!" She yelped as she ran around to the end of the bar and out to me. "Gemma!" We pulled each other into a tight hug.

"Oh my god it's so great to see you!" She squealed as we pulled away. "Ya! Wow this is awesome!" She laughed. "I was planning on coming down to see you when you got here, I just didn't know where you would be staying!" "How'd you know I was coming down?" I haven't talked to we since that first night since she gave me Harry's kik.

She chuckled. "Oh sorry, I probably sound creepy. But no, I've heard lots from Harry. I understand that you guys talk often?" She wriggled her eyebrows and I blushed.

"He talks about me?" I asked. "Oh yes! All the time! I haven't seen him in person, but when we talk on the phone, Skype, text, you name it the subject is always you! I think he likes you!" She giggled.

Once again, I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. She smiled and continued. "You guys should totally hook up! Well not 'hook up', but ya know, 'meet up'."

"Ya, maybe hang, but no more." I laughed. "I have a boyfriend ya know?" She frowned. "Really? Harry didn't mention anything about him."

Did I really not tell Harry about Daniel? Wow.

"Ya, um I think I have to go." I looked over to see Matt and the twins waving me over. "Alright, we'll it was nice to see you again!" She wrapped me into another hug and slid me a piece of paper. "Call me if you need anything!" I smiled as I walked off. "Ready to go?" Matt asked. "Yep!"

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