Chapter Twenty-Eight

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K A T I E ' S P O V

Harry had just dropped me off at my mum's house and to tell you the truth I'm a little scared.

I mean, I skipped out on my Grandpa's Memorial Luncheon and part of the funeral. Mum is home, her car is here, but she's not in the living room or kitchen

I've gotta say, I'm upset. Firstly, because I broke up with Daniel. I loved him, but I'm afraid that I might love Harry more, in the future that is.

That's another thing I'm upset about. I thought that maybe since I was broken up with Daniel that Harry would ask me out. Is it because I didn't tell him I have a boyfriend? Or because he just doesn't like me?

All of this boy drama is confusing. That's exactly why I never actually stayed with one guy.

You get the guy you want, without any type of commitment or drama.


The one word to describe my life right now is drama. It's its getting me really stressed out.

Usually in times like these, I'd call Harry. Or Daniel. But obviously neither of those was a choice at this point.

I couldn't call Lynne, we texted a bit before the funeral and she said that se was going on a fancy date with Jacob. At least somebody has a good love life.

I didn't want to call Luke either. He doesn't know a thing about relationships honestly. He's the type of guy who goes for one night stands. With other guys of course.

After scrolling through my contacts a few times I finally settled on Sam. I haven't talked to him since that night I was Skyping Daniel.

God I really need to stop thinking about Daniel.

And that thought is what convinced me to call him. I need to stop thinking about Daniel and even Harry. Obviously falling for Harry is a terrible idea because he doesn't even like me back.

After I told him that I couldn't be with him and Daniel at the same time, he pushed me off of him, and got into the 'drivers' seat and drove back to the docks silently.

Then, he drove me home, not saying a single word to me the whole way. Not even a goodbye! He didn't even wave.

Sam was good looking enough. He had a girlfriend but she never has to find out.

This will be a one time thing for the both of us. Plus, he being my friend, he'll do it. One, to help me get over everybody, and two, for his own pleasure.

I put my phone down on my nightstand and went to my drawers. I pulled out a lacy, black, bra and matching underwear.

Then I headed to my closet. I got out the shortest and tightest shorts I owned. Really, when I sit down, they look like underwear.

Then I got out a white, see through tank top that stopped just above my bellybutton. It has has 'Bite Me' in all capital letters written in bright red.

I then got in the shower, shaved my legs, shampoo and conditioned my hair, and used my Victoria's Secret body wash.

After that I dried my hair and let it stay straight. Their was no point in curling it, as I usually do. Our hair will be messed up when we're done anyways.

After I was dresses and picked out some tall black pumps, I called Sam. I didn't tell him what I planned on doing, but he is coming to pick me up and take me back to his place in about ten minutes.

Since mum still wasn't in the kitchen or living room, I went and knocked on her door.

I'm going to spare you all the details, but I will say that it was very emotional. We even hugged. And she didn't say anything about my outfit either!

She did question me on why I wasn't wearing any makeup. I thanked her and ran back into my room, applying, Maybeline falsies mascara, red lipstick, eyeliner, and blush. I also sprayed on some more V.S. perfume. I have a kit that came with lotion, body wash, and perfume.

Then I ran back into mum's room, told her I was leaving and went into the kitchen and watched for Sam. I took a breath mint, since I forgot to brush my teeth. Wouldn't want bad breath!

Soon enough Sam arrived. After a car ride full of many compliments on how I looked very 'nice', AKA like a prostitute, we finally got back to his house.

I though doing this would make me forget about Harry. So is it bad that whenever we were kissingI pictured Harry's face instead of Sam's?

I'm going crazy.

. I have a sick feeling in my stomach that I just lost a friendship.

Plus, I felt really guilty. I'm not sure why, it's not like I'm cheating on anybody. I just feel bad for picturing Harry.

I was just walking down the street. I didn't have a car because Sam drove me here. And to add to that I have absolutely no idea where I am.

I needed to call someone to come pick me up. Really, the only person i can think to call is my mum, but I don't think she'd appreciate me lost and alone at one in the morning.

Finally I decided to call Austin. One because I knew he wouldn't judge me, and two because I knew he'd be awake. He likes to stay up all night and paint or draw pictures.

I dialed his number and he picked up on the fifth ring.

"Katie, why are you calling me at this hour?" Geez, somebody's PMSing.

"Um well, I kinda need you to come pick me up. I'm lost and didn't have anyone else to call." He sighed through the phone.

"Well, I'm kinda doing something right now. Can I send Zoè?" I groaned. I really wanted to talk this out with someone I trusted, not some transfer student who was fooling around with my cousin. "Ya I guess."

"Cool. Text me the street name and ill send her to come and get you." "K bye."

I texted him the street name and sat down on the curb. My phone kept lighting up from calls and texts from Sam. I ignored all of them.

Finally a light blue Taurus pulled up, The boys shared car. Weird choice, I know.

I got up and joined Zoè in the front seat. She looked tired, her so blonde almost white hair pulled up into a messy bun and bags under her green eyes.

"Sorry you had to do this." I told her. "If I would've know that Austin would make you do it I'd've called someone else."

"No, no, it's fine. I was up anyways." She said in her strong French accent. I could tell she was just lying to be nice.

"So," I said, trying to clear the awkward silence. "You and Austin eh?"

She blushed and nodded. "Tell me all about it!" "Well-"

And that's how I made another best friend.

(A/N- Heyyy guys! Ooh 3 y's, she want the D!

OMG haha sorry I'm really hyper lol

So first of all, I'd like to thank you all for reading. I checked before I wrote this chapter and I have 398 reads! That's amazing! I honestly didn't expect to get any more than 10

So what do you think about the chapter? Katie is making BAD choicesss!

Don't forget to vote and contact me for a dedication!



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