Chapter Fifteen

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A few hours later I was saying my goodbyes to Sam and heading back to my seat. We had exchanged numbers, and talked a lot. He's a really nice guy. I don't 'like like' him. That's Daniel. In fact, we actually talked about Daniel a lot, and his girlfriend, Kendall. I have a feeling I'll be talking to him again.

Anyway, we're landing soon so we had to go back to our seats. Once I got there the snooty blonde was still in her seat. But now she was taking 'selfies'. I pushed passed her purposely bumping into her phone, ruining her shot. She gave me a dirty look and posed for another pic. What a snob.

Soon enough we were landing. This wasn't my first flight. I've flown to England and back quite a few times. Usually its for the holidays, but now it's the summer! Bur only for my grandad's funeral. I didn't know him, I only remember seeing him like once when I was like 9.

But back to the point, even though its not even close to my first flight, I'm still terrified of the landing. Like, what if something goes wrong and we crash?!?! Once they announced us to fasten our seatbelts I freaked. I put it on and grabbed onto the sides of my seat while shutting my eyes tight. The girl next to me snickered. I didn't care though, after this plane lands, if this plane lands, I'll never see her again.

"Katie! Katie!" I looked around as I heard someone calling my name. "Matt!" I screamed while running to my most favorite cousin. Once I got there he wrapped me into a tight hug. When we pulled away he whistled jokingly. "Man Kates, looking good!" I looked down at my old highschool 'volleyball for the cure' cutoff tank and black Nike short shorts. "Ya ok, thanks." I replied sarcastically. "Well," He said while grabbing my suitcase and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "What do ya say we go get back to the others?" I nodded my head furiously. I can't wait to see the rest of my cousins! All 7 of them.

About thirty minutes later, we had arrived at my aunt and uncles huge house. Well it had to be huge, with their 7 kids plus the socially awkward exchange student who's lived with them since she was in 8th grade.

The first one to get to me was Alex. He's 15. Tall, built, beach blonde hair pushed up in the front, and caramel brown eyes. He's the funny one.

Then came the twins. They're 13, Josh and Joe. Same blonde hair as Alex, but it just lies carelessly across their foreheads. They're pretty mature for their age, but not in a bad way. Living with four older brothers really toughens you up!

Austin came next. As you guessed it, blonde hair, brown eyes. Same as the rest of them. He's 17. The 'creative' one out of the family.

After Austin was Caleb. 18, same looks as the others. He's a little quiet, hard to get used to. Hut once you get to know him, he's a good guy.

Last but not least is Jared. Same look as the rest, only a little rusted out. He's 21, still living in the house. Which isn't really a problem to them, but he's a little too old. He sits in his room and plays video games. But I love him to death. Mostly because I can beat him at Call of Duty.

Matt is 19, like me. We were born only two days apart, same year. He's crazy, like me. Typical Thoodrow kid, blonde hair, beach babe look. They all do! So does everybody else on my mum's side! I feel bad saying this, but it's true! I come from a very attractive family.

So mum's on a business trip. Total mom move, going out of town while your daughter flies in. But hey, I'm not complaining, I get to stay with these guys for a while! We're currently eating dinner, spaghetti and meatballs. We're sitting at their big 10-seater dining table and I'm right in between Alex and the French girl.

I don't know why the exchange student, Zoé is so 'awkward'. I mean, she's pretty, super pretty. If I was her I'd be all over these boys. Well, not Josh and Joe but, you know what I mean.

After a very fun dinner I decide to call it a night because I'm still very tired from the flight and early wake up. I'm staying in their guest room on the second floor in between Josh and Joe's rooms. Ya, their family's pretty well off so all the kids get their own rooms. Probably why nobody wants to move out.

I change into my pj's and put my hair into a french braid. I laid down in the big queen size bed with purple and gray striped bed sheets and tons of pillows. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

(A/N- Heyo! Sorry for the wait I've had school and stuff! (not fun) But ya I've decided not to try to come up with famous people to play her cousins because there are so many of them and they all look alike! Lol! So hope ya like it and ill try to update soon!



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