Chapter Thirty-Three

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•A/N- Guys, thanks so much for reading! I really can't explain how thankful I am for you! I have 876 reads and 91 votes! Thank you!!!!!



K A T I E ' S P O V

Driving Harry to the airport was probably one of the saddest things I've ever done.

I knew this day would come, I made sure to take plenty of pictures of him and I and just of him, and make sure to steal a couple of his shirts.

But I don't think anything could've really prepared me for this moment.

Right now, pulling into the airport parking lot, I feel sick to my stomach.

I just can't believe it's happening. Harry's leaving. And he won't be back until November.

Which is four months away.

I know I'll see pictured of him all over the place, and I'll fly out to see him perform sometimes but that just isn't enough.

He said we'll Skype every night. Text and call all the time. Honestly, I don't know if I can settle for just that.

Truth is, I really like Harry. And its come to a point where I don't know what I'll do without him.

We talked every day except for two in the time that he was here. Of course, I'll see Gemma, but it just won't be the same.

As we parked the car in the back lot we walked over to the back door where nobody is allowed. There, Paul was waiting for us.

Harry grabbed my waist as we entered the crowded place, with Paul in front of us.

The place was loud, lots of screaming girls. Which got me thinking, what if he chooses one of them?

What if while Harry's on tour, he finds a beautiful girl with flowing blonde hair and golden skin. What if he finds a girl better than me? I'll just be another girl to add to the list of mistakes.

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. Harry looked to me and pulled me into a tight hug, not saying anything. And he didn't need to. Because somehow, when he was holding me like that, I felt like nothing else mattered, that everything would be ok.

That is until my purse was snatched.

I unmatched from Harry just in time to see a girl with brown hair and a pink sweatshirt running off with my brown bag.

The fans were screaming, I was screaming. I kept everything in there!

Guards were running all over the place trying to catch her, and the fans were going wild.

I was ready to cry when Harry pulled me into another hug.

"Shh, it'll be alright. They'll find it. Calm down, I love you."

Wait, what? Doubletake!!!

Oh my god he loves me!

Paul came and tore Harry away from me.

"Wait!" I yelled after them. Harry struggled to get away but Paul just lifted him up into his shoulder and carried him off.

He loves me. Harry Styles loves me.

"Excuse me ma'm, is this your bag?"

I turned around to see a tall, lanky man holding out my purse.

"Yes! Oh my god thank you!"

He chucked. "You're very welcome. This girl over here is who took it. Would you like to apologize?"

He turned to reveal a girl about my height, curly brown hair, blue eyes. She was looking down, red in the face.

"No!" She spat. "I didn't want to take it! I told you that already! He made me!"

She pointed into the crowd to a guy with black hair and a lip piercing. Oh god,


I held my purse tight and jumped over the restraining ropes. I ran to him and grabbed his arm. Sure enough, it was him.

"Daniel what the heck?" I screamed at him.

He smirked. "Come with me."

"Uh, no. You really think I'd waste my time talking to you? What's your problem anyways? The whole Sam thing? Telling that girl to take my purse, and messing around with my cousins! What's wrong with you?!?"

He grabbed my wrist forcefully, pulling me to him.

"Let go of me you little-"

He pulled something out of his pocket, a knife.

"Don't say anything, I'm not afraid to use this." He growled, leading me to the doors, not letting go of me or taking the knife away from my side. He was literally an inch away from stabbing me.

He led me out to an old white Explorer. I stayed quiet. He pushed me in the passenger seat and went around to the other side. He got in and locked the doors. Then he drove off.

We were on the highway, in the woods when I finally dared to speak up.

"Wh-where are we going?" I stuttered.

He laughed. "Katie, no need to be scared. I'm still the same Daniel you fell in love with."

"I was never in love with you." I mumbled.

He slammed down the breaks, almost flinging me through the windshield.

"What the heck?!?" I screamed.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and crawled over to my seat. He got on top of me so he was straddling me.

"You loved me." He said, his face red.

"And if you didn't then, you will now. You have no choice."

He laughed a somewhat evil laugh and tugged at the end of my shirt. And that was how the worst thing that had ever happened to me began.

A/N- Harry's gone :( don't worry this isn't the last you'll see of him ;)

Ooohhh Daniel you little butt!



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