Chapter Seven

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"Alright, you can take it off." Daniel said as he set me down on the ground. I no longer felt tree roots, the ground was now soft and mushy? I smiled as I took off the blindfold. We were...

...In a forest, just like I suspected. But what are we going to do here? He saw the questioning look in my eye. "Follow me." He grabbed my hand and led us through the mud.

That's the thing it's really muddy. I could feel the mud in between my toes as we walked. It was pretty out here. We were surrounded by trees, it's like a UFO landed here or something, lots of trees around, but none in a huge area. Then I saw it.

A huge pond, water almost blue, surrounded by cliff. "What's this?" I asked him. He just smiled as he led me to the side of the cliff. He let go of my hand and proceeded to grab hold of the cliff, and lift himself up. Then he reached for my hand.

The view from the top of the cliff was amazing. A huge forest on one side, and a lake on the other. There was another huge cliff pretty close to this one, right in the middle of the pond. Daniel stepped onto the edge of the cliff and jumped,

...right onto the other cliff. "Daniel!" I cried out.

"Its ok!" He yelled back, waving his hands signaling for me to come over. I walked to the edge.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"C'mere!" He yelled. "It'll be alright, I'll catch you!"

I put my foot over the edge. I wasn't really scared, but we're really high up, and it I was to fall, I'd hit the sides of the cliffs and probably die.

He walked over to the edge of the other cliff and reached out his hand. "Here, grab my hand, and jump. You'll be ok." It was only about a three feet jump but still I was scared to death now. I walked back a few steps and took a deep breath. I ran forward and then, I jumped.

"Woah!" I yelled as I landed on the ground.

Daniel laughed. "Great job! You ready for something even more thrilling?"

More thrilling? Well I'd actually usually say no, but, he still didn't have his shirt on, it was on the ground somewhere, and he looked so hot with that devious look on his face and plus the amount of adrenaline rushing through me was just unbelievable so of course being me, I didn't hesitate to say, "Hell ya!"

Ok, I think I regret agreeing to this. We're now on the edge of this cliff. And you know what something 'even more thrilling' is? Jumping. And there was no other cliff. Ya, he wants us to jump off of this huge cliff into a big lake with god knows what in it.

"You sure your ok with this?" He asked. No, god no in not ready for this. All I want to do right now is go home and cuddle up in my blankets while watching old 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S.' reruns. But obviously that is not an option.

"Ya." I replied shakily.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed. "Don't worry, well jump together, I'll be right here." I nodded my head and squeezed his hand tighter.

He looked at me and shot a cheeky grin. "On the count of three, One, Two, Three!"

Wow, holy crap I didn't think I had that in me. No, not jumping, but all the screaming. That had to take major lung power. I'm still trying to catch my breath.

Daniel swam over to me and smiled. "How'd you like it?"

I took a deep breath. "Honestly, I was scared to death, but I don't think I could have done it with anyone, but you."

And then, he leaned in, and so did I, and then, "Boom, boom, boom" Fireworks when I kissed him. Man, I could get used to this.

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