Chapter Twenty-One

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H A R R Y ' S P O V

"Harry, Harry, gimme some of ya gravy!" A little girl only around 10 or 11 was screaming at me from the sidelines of the airport. Where did she even learn that?

I pushed through the crowd with my main guard Paul, as we made our way into the black van. I'm not sure why we still needed a van, since its only him and I but eh, who really cares?

My head is killing me from all the screaming from the airport in Sydney, Australia, to the one here. I'm just glad that in less than an hour, I'll be back home.

As we settled into the car I decided I would check my phone before I would take a short nap. 29 new messages. Wow, it's been a while.

1 from Niall, 1 from mum, 1 from Nick, 2 from an unknown number, and the rest are all from... Katie? I thought she was mad at me? I scanned through the messages.

Oh! That's why she said that! I thought she was mad! But I hung up! Dang, I'm stupid. I should've known she wasn't talking to me! Now I probably ruined the chances of her ever liking me.

Ya, that's right. I'm not afraid to admit it, I like Katie. A lot actually. I know it's stupid, I mean, we haven't even talked that long, yet alone actually met each other. But I want too. We will. She wanted too also. That is until I turned her down. Damn it Harry!

You know what, this is too much for right now. I have a massive headache and this defiantly isn't helping. Ill text her back later, but for now, I just need to sleep.

"Haz!" Gemma yelled as she flung herself at me. "Gem!" We hugged tightly. God, I've missed her. "C'mon!" She said once we finally let go. "Mum's inside." I said goodbye to Paul and followed her up the driveway.

I was greeted to the sweet smell of the honeysuckle candles that mum keeps in the house. "Harry!" Mum cane up to me, wrapping me in a big bear hug. "Hello mum!" "Oh goodness Harry, it's been months!" I laughed, trying to fight back the annoying pain in the back of my head.

Mum must've noticed, because after talking a bit more, she sent me up to my room to sleep. Even though I just woke up, another nap sounds great right now.

My phone dinged. 'From Louis- U make it home alright?' I replied with a simple 'yep takin a nap now'.

The. I remembered Katie. I'll reply to her now. 'Aha ok! We're cool! We'll hav to meet up! U free Monday?' I would love to hang with her tomorrow but its her grandpa's funeral and I want some family time. I'm only here for two weeks!

I didn't bother to wait for a reply for Louis, or even Katie. I'm tired and need to rest or this headache is going to drive me insane!

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