I'll never leave you

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Dark PitxAngel Reader

Warning: blood and sad. At least sad for me.

You were the only human in both Palutena's and Viridi's armies, as well as a human king's army. Dark Pit was helping you with a simple mission this day. Deliver some supplies as well as a peace offering to the neighboring king. Your king had hopped to befriend this other kingdom to keep his own people safe. "Hey Dark Pit? Y-You wouldn't leave me for anything, would you?" He looked at you from his horse. "What are you talking about, (y/n)? We're best friends, and last I checked, friends don't ditch each other. I wouldn't even ditch you for Pit." You shook your head. "Nothing. Just wanted to make sure." He stayed quiet for a bit. You looked at the angel next to you. Dark Pit was wearing some armor you made him once yu learned to tamper the strongest ores in the whole area and he carried his Silver Bow like two knives. You didn't really want to ask if he'd ever leave you. You wanted to ask if he liked you. 'It just came out wrong, (y/n). These things happen' "Hey. We can rest here until tomorrow. Let's set up camp." Your green haired friend Erika made the group stop. You and Dark Pit were in charge to hunt down dinner. Erika knew about your feelings toward the angel, so she made sure to leave you with him. Little did any of you know, that your lives would change that night.

~~~~~~~~~Timeskip to hunt~~~~~~~~~

You got ahead of Dark Pit while chasing a deer. You went quietly behind it until a slightly smaller dragon killed it. As you got closer to grab the deer, the dragon noticed you and used it's fiery breath to burn you. You fought with it for the deer until it burnt your (right/left) arm and Dark Pit killed it. "Shit... I said I'd never leave you, but if you go ahead without me, I can't help you." You gave a small smile, even of your arm hurt a lot. "I know, Dark. I won't leave you either, but it was my job to hunt, and yours to bring the hunt." He smirked. "Well... at least we know who isn't goin to cook tonight." You made your way back to camp. Over there, Erika scolded both of you for the burns on your arm and had Dark Pit cook dinner while she helped you with some medicine for the burns. "I still don't know why you do this to yourself. You're a human, not an immortal. (Y/n)... are you trying to kill yourself?" You sighed. "Nope. I kow I'm human, Erika. It just felt right. Going against the prey myself, i mean." Erika put a tanned hand on your un-burned shoulder. "I trust you know what you're doing, but next time? Try not to kill yourself." You smiled. Erika was usually serious, but she treated you like a best friend and sister. "I know. I won't kill myself. Thanks." "No problem. Let's go eat before the guys eat everything."

After dinner~

Dark Pit's POV

Right after dinner, everything happened so fast. An arrow killed someone, Erika grabbed her katana and knives while throwing the knife she had in her hand and killing the archer, I was dragged away from (y/n) and into a sword fight, and suddenly, I heard her scream. "D-Dark! Help me-!" Once everything went quiet, I ran to the spot where (y/n) went. I found her coughing up blood with a few knives in her chest. I killed the guy standing above her and went to her. "You *cough* came." She smiled while I lay her head on my lap. I c-couldn't help her. "Y-You k-know I-I w-would n-never ditch you." I started crying more when she asked me to hug her. She... she died... in... my arms. (Y/n)... died in my arms. "N-No... No! (Y-Y/n)! P-Please don't g-go! D-Don't leave me... I... didn't even get to... I-I love you, (y/n)... I-I l-love you m-more than I e-ever t-thought..." I sobbed while holding (y/n) close. I lost her. Pit was right. I-I... was never going to get another chance to tell her. "Dark? I-Is she?..." Erika came and started sobbing with me. (Y/n) was like her sister and my friend. "Hey." We turned around to see... "(Y/n)?!" She laughed revealing her (color) wings. "Don't do that! Ever!" Erika let me hug her while she cried happily with us. "Oh, Dark Pit. I told you. I'll never leave you. It's been 10 years since I made you that promise. And... I love you too!" I smiled. "Then I guess I'll say it again. I love you. I love you to death and back." After this mess, Erika finished the job and told her king (y/n) died. (Y/n) then moved to Skyworld with me and Pit. What we soon learned was our adventure was only beginning.

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