I'm here to cheer you up!

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PitxHuman Giratina Reader

It's December 20 and I'm planning to give you 2 oneshots. This is the first one. I'll see if I can make the second one a Robin oneshot cause he's senpai.

3rd person POV

It was years ago how it started. It started with a story. A story about a girl who was part Giratina. A girl who was pretty lonely in the Distortion World, even with her Giratina family. The image was stuck for ages with Pit. Dark Pit also found it interesting and wanted to help Pit. One year, they got to the Distortion World. There, they found her. She had obsidian armor (a bit in shape like Camila's from Fates) with gold and ruby accents. But year's later...

Pit's POV

I'll finaly tell (y/n) what I feel. Hopefully, she won't mind it's today. Her birthday. I walk over to my best friend's bed and shake her gently. "Hmm... cupcakes..." I try not to laugh and shake her again. "Hey, (y/n). Wake up." She rolls and sits up. "Hmm? Pit... it's like 5 am. What the fuck?" "Actually, it's 7, but that's not important right now. Get ready. I have a surprise for you." I let (y/n) get ready and rush downstairs to make sure everything's ready.

Your POV

I get dressed and head downstairs to find (f/c) (f/f) petals making a trail to my garden. I follow the trail and see everything Pit set up. I also see a huge (f/c) box with a (other/color) bow, but no Pit. Shame. I wanted to tell him. I open the box to find Pit leaning up from the bottom of the box to kiss me. Yes, kiss me. I kiss back and we separated so we could get air. "Ah... Sorry about that, (y/n)... I should've asked." I grinned. "Nah, it's cool. You're sweeter and better than cupcakes." He smiled. "Well, I hope you know that whatever happens, from now on (333) I'll always be here to cheer you up!"

Time skip, hate me later!

3rd person POV

Years later, he still was there to cheer you up. Even when you had to stay in the Distortion World, he'd carry a mirror to see you whenever he wanted. He became your sun, while you were his moon.

 He became your sun, while you were his moon

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Okay! So... I'll try to have a Yandere Robin one shot for you guys later today. Depends if I'm not busy. So! Hope you enjoyed my birthday gift to you guys, stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!

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