We won't say we're in love.

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Sweetheart 9/12

Dark Pit×Reader

I'll try to give you the last four oneshots between today and tomorrow. Also, the Piña Coladas might be ready for Thursday or Friday. Now, less stalling, more writing!

Tsunderes. That's what both of you are. All of Smash Town knew you liked each other, but you wouldn't admit it. Everyone got together to hatch a plan to get you two together. Oh boy...

Dark Pit's POV

"I said I don't like (y/n)!" I growl for the millionth time. Link rolls his eyes with the rest of the guys. "Dark Pit, please. You stare at her wherever you see her, drop everything for her, cheer only for her in fights, and even go easy on her when you go against her. You love her." "Okay, sure she's cool, *really cute*, fun to be around, and badass, but she's just my best friend!!!" Pit turned to Shulk. "Did you get that?" "Every word." Shulk showed his phone to the rest of the group. "SON OF A B-!!!!" "RUN!!!" "WE'LL KEEP HIM HERE!!!!" I kept fighting everyone except Pit and Shulk while they dashed away with the recording.

Your POV

Peach was getting on my nerves. She tried to get me to say that I love Dark Pit,  but that's ridiculous! "Come on, (y/n)!!!!!" Lucina was about to talk, but I wanted to shut the first princess up. "DAMN IT, PEACH!!! I don't even have a crush on Pittoo!!! Sure, he's cute, badass, *actually much more than cute*, funny, and the BEST FRIEND I can ask for." Lucina coughed to get my attention. "I was gonna tell you to not say anything we could use against you..." "What?" "RUN, KAMUI (Corrin's name in the Japanese versions of Fates and what I call female Corrin when talking about each Corrin separately. Might have misspelled it...), RUN!!!!!" "GET BACK HERE!!!!!" I couldn't get far without the other girls ganging up on me. Shit...

*timeskip to Valentine's day*

I rolled my eyes at the lovey dovey couples doing lovey dovey things... Link and Zelda were having a moment, Mario was a complete idiot for Peach, Luigi was charming Daisy, both Robins had their loved ones visiting, as did Kamui and Corrin. Bleh... Idiots. Greninja (human+male, in this case) distracted my hate on Valentine's moment via text.

Ninja Frogger (his contact name):
- I have a surprise for you.

- Wut? A valentine or something?

Surprisingly, he sent me a video. A video where Pittoo calls me nice shit... And actually says he likes me... Sort of... I guess Nin had to edit the video to get the truth, but... "Hey..." I look up at the Raven Angel, himself. "Did you... Really say that?" "What?" "That I was 'really cute' and badass..." He blushes and answers. "Y-Yeah... Did you say I was more than cute?" "Yeah..." I felt my face burn like fire, only to turn redder after a kiss from Pittoo. "T-There... I like you, k?" I grin. Damn Valentine's. This day got us to admit our love... "Okay. But I love you."

I actually like how this turned out... Last three will most likely be human Pokemon chapters. Care to guess the fighters? In the mean time, stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!!!!

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