Opposites... attract?

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Festive Piña Colada 1/2


Ok, so here's the thing. 1st Mario oneshot cause I don't exactly like him. I don't even know why. Idk what I'm doing right now so sorry if it's shit. Also, I'm gonna write some words in Spanish as it'll be about a Puerto Rican holiday. Just in case, I'll write how to pronounce the word, unless it's something like hola, adiós, ect.

Peach and Luigi still have no idea how it happened. You, the greatest evil in your world, are dating Mario, the obvious hero in his world. He brings out the best in you while you bring out the worst in him. Hey, not everyone can be as perfect as you.

"I am not cooking anything else other than pasteles (pahs-tel-ehs), rice, and perníl (per-neel)." "(Y/n), you do this every year." You laughed at your boyfriend's statement. He knew better. "You do you all year round, I do me all Puerto Rican Christmas. Besides, it ends on Sunday." You felt Mario roll his eyes. "Some evil, you are." "Only on Christmas. Besides, I can still be as evil as possible." "Yeah right." You turned to grin at him. "Love you, idiot."

Bono to end this without wanting to jump off a third floor

You guys spent the rest of the night gaming. Let's just say, you are a dirty cheat in Mario Kart, and Mario should've known better than use a blue shell on you.

It's shit and I owe more. RIP me. The number dropped to 2 cause Valentine's Day is tomorrow and BotW, FEH, and Vanoss have distracted me to no end. Sorry about that. Onto the Lucina×reader!

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