Dragons of a Scale

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God M!Reader×M!Grima/Robin

Hi. I bet you're wondering where have I been. Well, I've been doing uni stuff, but I'm trying to get back into writing here to bring you a smile or a tear. Oh, and a friend wants to see me make Grima fanfiction that's wholesome. So, spoilers, Robin=Grima, something I had to explain before and something Fire Emblem Heroes spoiled with no problem, soooooooo... Yeah. For extra context, I'll be using Robin for normal male Robin, Rose for normal female Robin, Grima for the fell dragon male Robin, and Grace for the fell dragon female Robin as male Robin seems to be the "canon" option, I use Robin/Grima for the guys and Rose/Grace for the girls just to try to keep the Ro/Gr the same between them.

    The last thing anyone in town expected was for the Great Sky Dragon, (y/n), the God of the Skies, the most humble- wait, scratch that. (Y/n) is far from humble.

    He arrived to the town as a special gift to the players right after the Byleths made it as DLC. Honestly, everyone was wondering how they'd deal with the dragon, since he seemed like an arrogant jerk with all talk and no bite, but things seem to have gone right for everyone. The guy has charm and genuine kindness, but also a cruel and unforgiving move set. Among the players, they call him the most difficult character to truly master, but a powerful fighter in the right hands. Point is: (y/n) is a great guy with a good heart and a challenging fighter, if not a bit arrogant. That's really how no one saw it coming.

   Grima and Grace arrived to town a bit after (y/n). They were faced with leaving their timelines, dying, or simply sleeping for eternity. Leaving seemed to be the nicer on them option. Of course, leaving had it's effects on them: mostly, losing much of the Fell Dragon's power, much to their dismay. But really, we're not here to dwell on the past.................





"Grima, wake up."


"Griiiiima~. Grima, wake uuuuuuup~. I'm hungry. I still don't know how to make pancakes."

"(Y/n)? You're a useless god."

"Hardly I'm actual-!?" A rude interruption, really, but it's a welcome one. Especially because the fell dragon could guarantee himself an extra minute of sleep.

Great. I've been bamboozled by my loving husband.

"Grimaaaaaaaaaa~. Can you tell me how to at least make pop tarts?"

I let out a long sigh. Breakfast will be late again. I wish my greatness allowed me to actually cook, for once... Maybe I could've surprised him... Oh, well. Maybe next time.

Woooooo! I wrote something!
So, things:
1) the above key will be used when more than 1 Robin is being written about.
2) was the reader a god just so I could type "You're a useless god"? Yes. Maybe. Idk. Maybe there will be a part 2?
3) I tried. Point is, you guys are awesome, Grima needs sleep, and I wanted to gift something cute.
4) Now that this has my friend's, Aqua_Fiction , blessing, I can truly post it.
5) Remember you're awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!

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