"I love you too much!"

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Sweetheart 1/12!


Woo! Let the "serenata" begin! This one's a high school one! Enjoy!

You came from a rhythm game. Of course you would be in Glee club. This beautiful day, you were going from class to class delivering serenades for those who bought them. Luigi was also in Glee with you, but for a different reason. He loved you and little did he know, you had a special surprise for him.

You were at your last serenades. Luigi led the way to the last classroom. Once he was let in, everyone else went in and you spoke up. "Okay! Here we have a few serenades to deliver. First one's from (you choose) to Pit!" Pit looked up surprised and Luigi started playing the guitar.

"Aww!" everyone chimed. "Next is for Zelda, from her secret admirer!"

Your POV

The princess of Hyrule simply grinned and rolled her eyes playfully. After a few more serenades, I took the guitar from Luigi's hands. "Uh... (y/n)? What-?" I grinned and interrupted him. "The last serenade for today is for Luigi from me." The girls died out of fangirling and the guys cheered me on. (play the song please)

Luigi couldn't resist kissing me when I finished. While the whole class cheered, we took a bow and left with the final bell. "You know something, (y/n)?" "What?" "Ti amo." "I love you most, dork." He grinned. "Only you would ruin the moment like that." "I know, but that's why you love me."

1/12. WHAT WAS I THINKING?! Oh, well. I owe you guys. Wish me luck finishing soon. Any who, stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!

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