Glass Wings

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Half Dragon Male RobinxHalf Dragon ReaderxHalf Dragon Pit

First of all, FEELS WARNING. Second, (skip if you don't want spoilers to Fire Emblem Awakening) (spoilers for Fire Emblem Awakening, don't say I didn't warn ya) I know Robin is Grima (already a dragon), but that isn't relevant here because I'm making everyone here half dragon as in wings, tail, claws, feathers/fur/scales (the dragon parts), and fire. THAT kind of half dragon. Third, I know Pit already has wings, but he would get claws and a tail to make the half dragon more obvious. Lastly, I don't plan on making any Thanksgiving themed oneshots. I either spend a lonely 2 person dinner at Thanksgiving, or spend a horrible, crowded, and awkward dinner that day. Sorry for the long note, but here we go.

You where a frail dragon and sister to the queen. She was younger, but definitely not as frail as you. Two men fought for her hand and one got it, making him the king. Now uou had the same problem. Two young men wanted you. The first was a basic storm dragon known as Robin. His white hair and silvery feathers looked like ice and snow. Two small silver horns poked in between his hair. He was the best tactician and completely kind and generous, especially when you where around. The second was an angelic dragon known as Pit. His heavenly white feathers and brown hair matched his blue eyes that sparkled like gems. He was once captain of the royal guard, but later turned into your personal guard. He was always worrying about you and made sure you enjoyed yourself as much as you could. You loved the two dearly, but... Which will you choose before it's too late?

Your POV

"... And then Link just straight up asked the guy to stop being an ass!" "heh... Last I heard, you're not supposed to use that kind of language near a princes, Pit." "S-Sorry..." I smiled softly. "It's all right. Robin's just being a jerk." "H-Hey!" "I'm joking!" I kept walking and talking with my two childhood friends. I never thought they'd both love me back, considering how frail I am... Robin left for a meeting with a quick goodbye. "Hey, (y/n)? I have too go soon..." his tail swished nervously "... C-Could... You hold up alone for a little while? I'll be gone for a bit, just a bit-!" I calm him down a bit. "I can be alone for a while. Don't worry! I'll be right here." He smiled softly and left. He's always so nice to me... I keep walking around to return indoors. Little did I know that I'd regret this later.

🐉Small skip🐉

I reached the palace garden's edge. A few minutes inside made me go out again. As I reached the pine trees, I noticed a strong smell coming from that area. Smoke and ashes... I started backing away but passed out. I woke up again in a dark room. I looked around to find iron brands (the metal stick thing used to mark stuff while they're glowing red), knives, and many more blades. For being trapped in an unknown place and being unable to defend myself, I'm actually quite calm. "So. You're awake, brat." I turn to the voice. "I'm guessing you just realized that you have the wrong dragon." The man looked outraged. I'll just have to stall a bit more.

*Pit's ending*

Pit's POV

I quietly sneak into the tower as a dragon. You'd think you'd notice a huge dragon clinging to a wall. I change back while holding onto the window's ledge and pull myself in. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, BRAT?!" I follow the noise and hear (y/n) answer calmly. "Well, last I checked, I was (y/n), oldest daughter of the past king of all dragons." *slap* I burn down the door and see (y/n)'s cheeks bruised and red. "How the hell did you get here?" I look at the guy. "Hard work and determination. I'll just take back (y/n) and-" "The hell you are!" I groan. "(y/n), can I do the thing?" "Do as you must." I turn into a dragon and let loose. Once I tore the man to shreds, I walk over to (y/n) and let her pet me. "You're too cute, you know that?" I blush and bring her back.

Few years later...

I hug (baby's/name) close to me. (y/n)'s gone but she left me a small gift. She has (h/c), blue eyes, (color) wings and tail, and pale skin. She reminds me more of (y/n) than she reminds me of, well, me. I cry with (b/n) close to me while she tries to comfort me. "I'll never let anything happen to you." I walk with (b/n) toward the small house. I swear I could hear (y/n) say: "You'll do a great job. I miss you!" *sigh* I- We miss you more.

*Pit and Robin's ending*

3rd person POV

Robin and Pit sneak in and fight most guards on the first floor. (y/n) kept stalling until the man caught on. He brought out the knives and got to work. Once Robin tore down the door and Pit burned the man to death they turned to (y/n). She had a knife buried near her throat. Both dragons got closer and, in dragon form, lay their heads on (y/n)'s lap. "Oh, don't be like that-*cough* We all knew this would happen." They shifted to carry (y/n) back home when she died in their arms with a peaceful smile, making her look like an angel

*Robin's ending*

Robin's POV

I stormed the tower's door, burning anyone and anything in my way. Normally, I'd take the sneaky way in, but this time would be the exception. I quickly tare apart the man that hurt (y/n) and check on her. "I'm fine, Robin. Let's just get back home, okay?" I smirk. "Whatever you say, your Highness."

Few years later...

I take my coat off to keep Morgan warm. He has white hair, (color)  scales on his wings and tail, and (color) eyes with (s/t) skin that he definitely got from (y/n). (y-y/n)... She died soon after Morgan was born. I walk through the snow to reach the small house we called home. I could already hear her saying: "Just a bit more! Soon, Morgan will have a normal life. I love you both!" W-We love you more. We'll miss you, (y/n).

HOLY SHIT!!!! 1111 words!!! Sorry I haven'tuupdated any of my books until now, but I've been sick all Thanksgiving week. Now, I'm back! XD Ok, so hope you enjoyed, stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!

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