Not an update, sorry if you were expecting one.

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Sooooooo... Senior Sayi, here. Yeah, I'm old. I've been stuck with writer's block and a simple dislike for what I write(at the moment) or no idea on how to finish what I've started. I have a few ideas, but they're unfinished or lost.

Now that we have the bad out of the way, let's get to the good. HOLY SHIT, YOU GUYS ARE STILL HERE!!!! I just started writing cause it was fun, but I'm glad you guys like this!!! To be honest, the last thing I expected was to have people read, even like, what I write. I hope to start writing again, but updates will be slow cause, well, I'm a Senior and I'm graduating, soon 😅

Thank you all for being here and having patience to deal with me!!!! I wish you all the best, and, until next time, stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!

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