A Dragon's Treat

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Hallow-Treat 4
Female CorrinxFemale Half-Dragon Reader

And as you can see, I have Fire Emblem Fates! Well, Birthright at least. So now you get Corrin!

Corrin's POV

"But (y/n)!!! I wanna be Natsu!!!" "But I have fiery wings!! Well, they look like they're on fire, but still!!" We were currently fighting to see who would cosplay as Natsu and who would be Lucy for Halloween. (y/n) got me into Fairy Tail and now we both want to dress uo as Natsu. "I have an idea." "What is it, Corrin?" I grin. "How about we dress up as dragons instead!" "..." "..." We stayed quiet for a bit. "Corrin?..." "Yes?" (111 words) "Can I dress up as you, then?" "Only if I can dress up as you!"

Trick or treating skip

After (y/n) and I got bags and bags of candy, we got to my house to eat candy and watch movies. You know what, Corrin?" "What, (y/n)?" she smiled and kissed me. "You're the best treat a dragon could have! I'm glad your mine." I curl up with (y/n) and yawn. "I love you, (y/n)." "Love ya more, Corrin."

Sorry it's short, but I forgot to write these yesterday. Happy late Halloween!!! Stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!!!

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