Happy Birthday!

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This goes to my sis, NekoAngelSoulEater who's birthday was on September 2nd. Happy late birthday!

LinkxNeko Angel Reader

Your older sister Hylissa was exited to tell everyone about your birthday, but you asked her not to. Disappointed, she told your boyfriend, Link, that you where going to waste the day, alone and miserable. Link bought seven boxes of Poky, (fave/flavor) cake, and he found a secret spot to have a picnic with you. He also prepared a surprise for you with everyone else to make sure your birthday would be amazing.

Timeskip to the next day, brought to you by the Poky Game.

Your POV

I got my favorite movies to watch without interruptions until-
*(ringtone you'd have set for Link)
"H-Hello! What's up?" "Do you have any plans for today?" I was kinda shocked. Normally Link asked if I was okay first... "Uh... Not really... Why?" I felt him smirk on the other side. "Good. Follow the candels we set up." And with that, he hung up. What the fuck? Even Hylissa forgot... "*sigh* I have nothing to lose, do I?" I asked (baby wolf's name) to be greeted with a small howl. I got up and head toward the world outside. I found a trail of lit candles with diffrent colored flames. "Hylissa probably told the whole world again..." My tail swished from side to side in annoyance while (b/w/n) I walked down the trail to be found by Bowser. "Hi-" "Here... Link and Hylissa planed this... I, uh... Hope you like it... Happy birthday, (y/n)." He then gave me a copy of Fire Emblem Awakening. "Hey, thanks! I'm, uh... Sorry about last time." He smirked at me and told me it was fine. (if you're curious about what happened, you kicked his ass in a hand to hand fight. You won epicly.) I kept going down the candle path to find my "oni-chan" Robin. He was reading a book by a tree. "ONI-CHAN!!!" Robin turned around to hug me. "Happy birthday, kitten. You should have told us today was your birthday." I gulped. Robin was like an older brother to me, but I never told him about my birthday. "I didn't want to do anything today." Robin smiled and gave me a huge package. "Here. I figured you'd like a new one, since your last blade broke." I unwrapped the silk to reveal a beautifully decorated case concealing a katana. "W-Wow, Oni-chan! I love it!" Robin smiled. "I had it specially made for you. Now, go on. Link's waiting." I said bye to Oni-chan and set off again. I quickly find Luigi with a box. "Hi Luigi-senpai!" He looked surprised at my call. "Um... Hi! Happy birthday, (y/n)! Uh... This is for you." He handed me the box. "You know you can open it, right?" I open the box to find- "Sweet Senpais, it's a box full of Japanese Kit-Kats!" Luigi grinned at my gift caused reaction. "Well, here. You'll need this to get the rest of the gifts." He handed me a cart and I smiled, hugged him, and turned to leave when: "(b/w/n)? Come here boy/girl!" (b/w/n) went up to Luigi and when he kneeled down to pet him/her, he/she licked his cheek and went after me.

The rest of the path was less eventful. Pit gave me a copy of Tales of Graces F, Dark Pit got me a sketch book and pro coloring pencils, (f)Robin got me a sword to match the katana, all the kids teamed up to give me a hand-made necklace, Palutena gave me a box full of Poky, Lucina got me a leash for my wolf,  Dark Link and Ganon gave me a box full of Soul Eater DVDs, all the Pokémon gave me a copy of Pokémon Moon together, ect, ect, ect. (It's made with stuff I'd give my sister and I ran out of ideas. Sorry.) After a while of receiving gifts, I found Hylissa with a wild grin. "Okay Hylissa. What did you do?" Hylissa looked at me with the fakest innocent look she could muster up. "What, me? I'm hurt, (y/n)! I thought you trusted me! Okay, I'm done with my act. Here, I'll take your wolf. My gift to you is that-a-way!" I looked to where my sister was pointing. I saw a path illuminated by the same candles as the ones that marked my path earlier today. "That way? Hylissa, are you kidding me?" She smiled. "Yes, that way. I promise you'll love it!" I sighed and gave in. Hylissa would have found some other way to convince me to go down the path. I waved her and (b/w/n) goodbye and walked down the candle lit path. I was actually like I was in a dream and before I knew it, I was at a huge starry grove. I quickly walked over to the one person I really wanted to see today. "What's with the bow?" I asked Link while giggling. Link had a red bow on his hat like some gifts. "Well, I put a bow on your presents. See?" He walked over to a small pile of gifts and I noticed the red bow on each one. "So you're one of my presents?" He laughed. "Yep. I thought you'd like me as a gift!" Link smiled, pleased that I seemed to enjoy this. "Hey, (y/n)? Did you like this? I mean, you didn't want to do anything today, so I thought you'd enjoy this..." I smiled. "I loved it. This was the best birthday ever!" Link smirked. "Well, happy birthday, (y/n)."

HELL YES! I know I'm really late for your birthday, but I hope you enjoy it NekoAngelSoulEater! And Happy Late Birthday!!

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