Don't die on me!!

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LucinaxFemale Reader

If you can't guess by the title, this includes a suicide attempt. Idk why I thought of this, but it happened and it started turning out great in my head. If you don't like, please don't read. Hell, I'm warning you now. HEAVY FEELS+SUICIDE ATTEMPT. You've been warned, okay? Okay. Enjoy. Btw, the pic is from Noragami.

Your side and 3rd person POV

You were done with it all. You were done being the joke of many pro SSB gamers. To them, you were only a joke. To noobs, you were impossible to main. You weren't a joke, you just had a very demanding strategy to your fighting style. Every fighter always cheered you on and cheered you up, but today was the day it was just too much to handle. You wanted the pain to go away. You wanted to die and have the pain melt away. So you decided to go with your new instinct. You'd just end it all. You wrote your suicide note and left it on your bed. You told everyone where you'd go and started walking toward the cliff. As you stood on the edge you thought of everyone else and how they'd react to finding your lifeless body

Lucina's side and her POV

I looked for (y/n). I had a horrible feeling about where she was tonight. I opened the door to her house and go to her room to find a letter addressed to all of us. I open it to find that the bad feeling I had was getting worse with each word I read. I ran out leaving the letter fly off to someone's hands. They'll probably read it and run toward the cliff like I'm doing. I know I'll have to catch her as soon as she falls into the water, but by the looks of it, I won't make it in time. As she let herself fall like aunt Emmeryn once did, I start running toward the river to try and get her out as soon as possible.

Your POV

Dying this way felt wrong. By now, it was way to late to realize I should have told Lucina what she truly was to me. I soon reach the water while and start trying to get out. I failed and the darkness soon swallowed me up, once I got to the rapids.

Lucina's POV

I dived into the water once I got ahead of (y/n) to pull her out. Pit and Robin (male) helped me get (y/n) out. Father pulled me into a hug to keep me from fully freaking out on him while I quietly muttered "Don't die on me, (y/n). Please don't die on me. I still need you!" I couldn't see, but by the way my father kept me close, I knew it was bad. From what I could hear and see (I used a trick (y/n) taught me with a mirror) Dark Pit brought something to carry (y/n) back to town without touching her just in case it was as bad as they thought. "It's okay, Lucina. She'll be all right..." father tried to comfort me, but he still failed. Once the guys took (y/n) back to town, father started to take me back to our house.

**************Small time skip***************

They wouldn't let me see her. She was still out cold and hurt, but they wouldn't let me see her. I came back the next morning to start coming every day for a month. By now, some people started saying that (y/n) was the best fighter. She'd love to hear that... I looked over at her. (e/c) eyes closed, (h/l), (h/c) hair around her, and paler than ever (idk how pale-ness works, ok?). I quietly sighed and said what was on my mind.

Your POV

"I'm sorry I didn't notice you needed help sooner. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I'm sorry I couldn't help (666 words) you end the suffering some other way. I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry!*sob* We all m-miss you. I-I m-miss y-you, (y-y/n)! P-Please come back to me. I want you back... I-I... I love you, so please. Please come back to me..." I heard the familiar voice sobbing. I open my eyes to be blinded for a second by the light from outside. I turn my head to see Lucina crying on my bandaged shoulder. "H-hey..." Wow. My voice was hoarse! "(Y-y/n)!!! I- You're okay! You're okay! I-I missed you so much! Why'd you jump?! (777 words) I- " "S-sorry... I don't know-" Lucina hugged me. "Forget it. It's fine, you're alive, and you're here. That's all that matters." I hugged her back with my less hurt arm. "I love you too, Lucina. And yes, I heard what you said." Lucina smiled and kissed me. Right in the lips. I kissed back, but lack of air made me back off first. "It's good to be back home. Especially with you, Lucina."

...I couldn't end this on a sour note. Lucina deserves better. I nearly cried writing this. I hope you enjoyed what my mind tortured me with and that you remember to stay determined and that you're (888 words) the awesomest people on Earth! So, like in my other book, stay awesomer than Prussia and Hasta la pasta!

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