Pika Boy

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Sweetheart 10/12

Human female Pikachu×male reader

I think this was obvious...

Your POV

"(y/n)!!!!" I turn to the cheerful human pokemon, Pikachu. Aka, my girlfriend. "Hey, what's up?" "I wanted to ask, what's your favorite pokemon?" "Pikachu, duh. Why ask?" She blushes and runs off. What was that about? I shrug and walk to the shopping district. Valentine's is tomorrow, so I should rush and buy the stuff. I pick up a bouquet of red tulips and other flowers. I don't remember what they meant, but I wrote down the names of the flowers that had romantic meanings to add them to the bouquet. I walk out if the shop to buy stuff to cook (if you can't cook, like me, now you're the best cook in all Smash). I pick the pasta, and other ingredients for the sauce, along with a few candles and matches. This better go right...


I finish setting up the table and serving dinner. All that's left is to pick up Pikachu. I walk out into the night and walk the two blocks to Pikachu's house and knock on her door. "C-Coming!" She opens the door with a blush and I hug her and hand her the flowers. "Happy Valentine's, Pika." "Happy Valentine's, (y/n) and thank you! Come in for a sec. I have something for you!" "Really? You didn't have to." "But I wanted to!" I follow her in and she shoves something in my face. "Here! Put it on!!!" I put on the hoodie and grin. She made me a Pikachu hoodie. "I love it. Almost as much as you." "Really? Yay!!!"

I walked back home, this time with Pika and we eat the pasta I made. Sometimes it pays off to be the best cook in Smash. "That was amazing!!!! Best meal ever!!!" "I'm glad you liked it. Did you bring the movie?" "Yup!" Pika handed me the case... (shitty movie you hate)... I swallow my pride and open the case to find (favorite movie). Let's just say, best Valentine's day ever.

TWO MORE!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!! Stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta, you awesome person, you!

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