Alcoholic Alchemy

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Dark LinkxAlchemist Reader

...Everyone is so screwed... XD
Btw, if you don't understand Spanish, I don't mind translating what they say in the vid. Just type whatever you need translated.

Reader-chan's POV

Some one was willing to pay big money for an alcoholic drink so strong, you'd get drunk in one sip. You only took the job so you could renovate your house. I left the mix on the kitchen counter and went to sleep.


I woke up to a racket (is this how you even write this?) outside and my mix from hell gone. "Shit! That could have been the money for a basement to use as a workshop!" "HEY!!! P-PITTOO!!! N-NO FUKING FAir!!!!" What the? Since when does Pit swear outside of his gameplay channel on YouTube? I open the door to utter chaos. Dark Link was the only sober fighter in sight, apart from me, Yami, Hylissa, and Chibi. Shit was wierd. Pit and Dark Pit were spinning and then attempting to run in a straight line wich ended up in Dark Pit falling face-first by my mailbox and Pit backwards in the fountain, Link was flirting with EVERY-FUCKING-ONE, Zelda was crying her heart out, both Robins and Lucina where trying to bargain for more alcohol, Palutena claimed Lucina as her's, Marth was singing World is Mine while Ike was telling him to go fuck off, Sonic was flirting with a hot dog of all things, Peach was asking Mario to burn in hell while he asked her to take him back with tears in his eyes, Luigi was shouting about him being the hero (Name the anime character if u can!), etc. (I got lazy so imagine what the rest of the fighters are doing while drunk. Oh, and none of the young fighters like Toon Link are here.) "Oh, holly fucking shit! You guys are so fucking drunk!" "Dark Link, stop being a total ass and help us!" Hylissa tried to get a bit of help in vain. I sighed. Why did I fall for that idiot, Dark Link? "I'll help. Just give me a sec." I turned to the idiot I call my boyfriend. "Dark!~ I'll give you a surprise if you help us out!~" Well... That got his attention.

Dark Link took off quickly and started by the people he hated the most. Peach was suddenly flirting with him, he dragged her back home and locked her in to continue his job. Hylissa dragged a drenched angel out of the fountain and Chibi tried getting Link's attention when- "Pit! I love ya!~❤" Pit was a bit less drunk. "Wh-What?! L-Link, please d-d-don't start." All those who where 100% sober laghed while Hylissa gave Pit her jacket and dragged him home along with Palutena and Lucina, who lived near the light angel, Yami dragged Luigi and Dark Pit home, Chibi dragged Link home, laughing at his attempts to win her heart, and I managed to get both Robins and Mega Man home. Dark Link got almost everyone home after we all had our fun.

..."What's my surprise?" I smirked and kissed him on the lips for a bit and backed away to drag him home.


We posted a vid on YouTube of what happened yesterday (that's the surprise.) I promised Dark Link he could show the video to everyone. It was hilarious to see everyone so pissed yet smilling about something so stupid. Me? I enjoyed the day with Dark Link. He always knows how to make me laugh. He also paid for the workshop I needed for my alchemy mixes, so win-win!

: )

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