Goddess of L/i/g/h/t/ Yanderes

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Yandere PalutenaxMale Reaper Reader

Yay! First yandere chapter! Warning! Blood, gore, and hurt senpais. Don't like, don't read. I hope you yandere lovers enjoy! Btw, you have a chain scythe in this one.

Palutena's POV

Pit was the only one who knew my little secret. I was pretty sure I could safely keep it between us, but... I met him. Senpai is just the greatest! He's probably stronger than all the gods combined! He's also very handsome~! From his (h/c), to his sparkling (e/c)! I even help him more than I help Pit! But, is that really a surprise? I got ready to battle. It was me and Link against Pit and someone else. Once we got to the stage, I realized senpai is teamed up with Pit! W-Wait... Senpai is teamed up with Pit...

Your POV

I laughed as Pit finished telling me about what happened once with Dark Pit. Soon after we calmed down, we were let into the stage. I saw my crush Palutena and Link get ready. Hylissa was just leaving when she turned to me and Pit. "Thanks for taking my spot, (y/n)!" I smiled and told her it was fine while she rushed out. I think Palutena looked like she would kill someone.

*/*/*/*/*/*/BATTLE, START!\*\*\*\*\*\*

Palutena went after Pit without a second thought. Link went after me while getting ready to slash me. Thankfully, I used my scythe's chain to counter. Pit was having trouble with Palutena. She looked like she would rip him apart. We all had one life, so we had to make it count. Palutena sent Pit flying all the way to the stands. Damn! Beautiful and terrifying! I used my scythe's chain to grab Link and send him flying out of the stage. Palutena seemed star struck. I sighed and went after her. "I-I'm sorry, Palutena!" I took her out in one clean slice. Pit and I won, but I was the only one getting congratulated by the other fighters. "Hey, Robin! Where's Palutena?" He looked puzzled for a second. "Um... I think I saw her drag Link and Pit outside." "Hey, thanks man!" He smirked. "Go and admit your love to the goddess!" I left with a blush. I should finally confess.

Small skip to finding the goddess.

I looked around the arena until I heard screams and pleas for their lives. I run over to the source of the screams and pleas to find... P-Palutena?! "(y-y/n)!"

Palutena's POV

I left Link to bleed to death and turned to Pit. "L-Lady P-Palutena, please! I-I didn't pick (y/n)! I s-swear I-!" I buried my clean knife on Pit's side. It was kinda cute how he pleaded. "(y-y/n)!" I paled. I turned around to find senpai staring at me in the eyes. "I-It's not-!" I was almost in tears when (y/n) ran to Link and Pit to help them. Link was barely conscious and Pit was nearly dead with fear. "I don't hate you, but I'm not worth killing for." Pit sunk more into the wall when I got closer. "I'm done hurting you two... For now." (y/n) gave me a stern look. "Palutena. I told you. I'm not worth hurting anyone." I looked at him spellbound. He and Pit were helping Link to get him to (y/n)'s house. "You're more than worth it! You're worth more than all lifes and souls combined! Mine included!" I saw (y/n) blush red like a bloody rose. "P-Pit, can you open the door? I'll carry Link." Pit opened the door to (y/n)'s front door. His house was amazing! I helped Pit get to one of (y/n)'s couches while (y/n) dragged Link to other one. (y/n) got to work and gave Pit and Link each a potion. "Hate me as much as you want, but I have to pull out the knives." OH MY GOSH!!! Senpai is going to help my victims! And he's also touching the knives I used to hurt them!

(y/n)'s POV

I go to Link first. He only hissed a bit wich surprised me since the knife was stuck in his shoulder. Like, SPLITTING THE FUCKING BONE stuck. I asked Palutena to help him drink the potion while I turned to Pit. I swear Palutena was about to laugh at Pit's misfortune. He kinda looked like he was going to turn tail and run. "Don't hate me." "W-Wait, (y/n). W-We can talk about this- Sh-Shit!!" I pulled out the knife before he could make me feel worse. I got him to drink the potion and Palutena got them to keep her secret. Palutena's yandere secret quickly made it out beacuse of Viridi since the Goddess of Light answered my call first before Pit and she refused to tell him any of my weaknesses. That and she went insane whenever I fought against a girl... Oh well, I love Palutena just the way she is.

Yandere chapter's out! I hope you liked it! Btw, I have a challenge for you guys! You can write down what you think are Reader-kun's Palutena's Guidance conversations! I'll see if I can post a chapter with one for each character that you guys write a conversation for. Idk, just a thought. Tell me if you think that's a good idea and write in the comments what u think. Sorry this got long, but I have something special I'm gonna post soon.

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