Dark Pacifist

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YouTuber Dark Pit xYouTuber Reader

'Cuz u know you want Dark Pit to be a YouTuber. I'll probably not reach too far into Undertale, but I had this idea and I just had to go through with it. Please add anything or correct me if I get some stuff wrong from Undertale's pacifist run (I haven't finished the game). Btw, the YouTuber name I chose for Dark Pit is 'Dark Assassin' and his YouTube fandom would be 'The Guild of Angelic Assassins'. Also, SOME SPOILERS TO UNDERTALE'S PACIFIST RUN. I had to tell you.

Dark Pit's POV

"Hello fellow assassins, and welcome to Undertale! (y/n), and so many of you in the comment section, asked me to play this, so... Let's welcome the awesome YouTuber and my girlfriend who convinced me to play Undertale." (y/n) walked up to the couch where I was recording and sat down next to me. "Hey! Nice to be here again! So before we start, Dark, Genocide, Neutral, or PaciFRISK?" I turn to her with a smug look. "First, are you starting with the puns before I even set up the pun counter? 'Cause I'll have to do a dare if I exceed 50 puns. Please leave a dare in the comments below, btw. Second, I'm trying the Pacifist Route first. Why do you ask?" "No reason. I wanted to know if you'd get a bad time." I wonder what (y/n) means by that... (small note. I, Hylissa/Sayi, know exactly what a Bad Time means in Undertale.) "Well, Pit will join us later, so let's get going!" The game's intro started. Humans are assholes, monsters are trapped underground, and a kid falls down Mt. Ebott. You know, the usual. I finally start the game. "So... This way?" (y/n) tells me to go on to the next room where I find... A flower? The fuck is this thing doing here?

Meeting Flowey

"Uh... (y/n)? Who or what the fuck is this?" "Dark, just go to it." I sigh and get closer. [I'll use this for in game stuff] ["Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower."] I mist have zoned out, because... "Ah, shit! (y/n), what do I do?! The flower's attacking me!!!" "Dodge it!!!" after dodging the flower, getting rescued by a goat lady, and starting to go with her to her house, (y/n) smacked me. "Ow! What was that for?" (y/n) looked insulted. "Flowey has a name, ya know. They all do." "okay, sorry..." That hurt a bit...

Goat Mom!!!

"Okay, guys! I'm here! Let us watch Pittoo fail!" Pit-stain sat next to me on the couch and also asked what my run would be. "Don't call me Pittoo and I chose Pacifist." "Pittoo? A pacifist?" (y/n) told me where to go and what to do for a while to reach Toriel's house. I use the save point and head in. "Oh my gods, Goat Mom is the best!" Pit looked at me wierdly. "You're already calling her Goat Mom? Wow, you wouldn't survive the Genocide run!" I turned to Pit. "What, and you did?" "Yup. That was my first run. I've played Genocide like 5 times." I stayed quiet. I asked Goat Mom how to get out of the ruins various times, after taking a nap and getting some pie, and followed her down the stairs, after visiting the save point again. A fight started and Pit told me to fight her. I did and- "G-Goat Mom!!!! (y/n) what do I do?!?! I accidentally killed her!!!!" "Dark Pit, Calm down!!! You can reset or leave the game without saving from this point." I did as I was told and face Goat Mom Toriel again. I noticed how after a while, her attacks start missing on purpose. She let me out of the Ruins and I see- "Snow? Wait! You know what? I'm not gonna question it." Pit smirked. "What, did you get COLD feet?" 2 puns.

[Comic] Sans and The Great Papyrus

So a little further away from the Ruins, I notice someone stalking me. I reach a bridge to find- ["Don't you know how to greet a knew friend? Turn around and shake my hand."] "The fuck?" I suddenly feel Pit sink away in the couch and (y/n) squeal that fangirl squeal. "I'm guessing this is Sans, right?" "Yes! Comic Sans-pai!!!" 3 puns. Sans hides me behind a fucking lamp shaped like me and a small conversation between him and his brother Papyrus made the pun counter raise. "Damnit! I didn't know they were going to crack a few puns!!" (y/n) had this smartass smirk on and so did Pit. "Must be... SANSational." shit. The puns continue while I made my way to Snowdin... Damnit!!! I sigh. "I'm going to end this live Undertale episode here. And thanks to Pit, I've gotta do a dare." "It was my fault to. Anyway, I have the perfect dare." Pit smirked and made sure to edit the current screen to something more fitting. "What is-!!!!" (y/n) kissed me right on the lips leaving me a blushing wreck. "And since Pittoo is out of service, ..." "We'll meet in the next one. Sayonara!" The video ended right there. Best way to end my videos, guys.

Finished! I have 4 Halloween treats I need to write for you guys, so look foward to that! Anyway, stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!!!!

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