Pit+Mimikyu=Lucky (y/n)

897 8 3

Sweetheart  7/12
Pit×Male Reader

5 more!!! TwT I can do this!!! I owe you guys so much! Thank you for putting up with this garbage author and reading this book! I got a little inspiration for this from an episode of Acchi Kocchi (great anime), but I don't remember which one. Sorry!

Your POV

I grin as Pit tries to win the Mimikyu plushie. He really isn't a bad shot, but the plushie seems too be stuck in place. "*sigh* I can't get it..." "Hold up. (I wrote "Gold up" XD) We still have enough for 200 tries. We can pay for 4 shots." "But I already had 28 tries!" I rolled my eyes and kissed Pit to distract him while I payed for the extra shots. "N-No fair, (y/n)!" I laugh and hand him the twin cork pistols and take the twin cork shotguns. "Aim for the head, k?" "Got it!" We aimed for the plushie's head and sent all 4 shots at the same time, knocking the plushie back. "YES!!!" "Kyu!" "What? Pit, are you sure it was a plushie?" Pit turned to me with a curious look. "What do you mean? Of course it was a plushie!" "Kyu!" we both look at the Mimikyu who gave us "The Look". "(y/n), it's so cute!" Crap... "Aww! I'm gonna name you (your nickname)! 'Cause you're as cute as my boyfriend!" I blush a bit and sigh as I realize he named the Mimikyu and that we're gonna keep it. "Okay, we still have a few games in the festival. Do you two wanna play a few more or should we get going?"

Smol skip (like me...)

I open the door and let Pit and (nickname) walk in, half asleep. I lead them to our room and let Pit fall asleep on the bed and help (nickname) get into bed so I can get ready to sleep. Once back, I hug my boyfriend and his Mimikyu. "I love you... (y/n)..." "Love ya more, Pit. Now, go to sleep." "Okay..." I roll my eyes and cuddle my angel to sleep. Best Valentine's day ever.

Cuteness for Pit. What? Want more? Ok.

I just found the pic online

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I just found the pic online... But, anyway! Stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!

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