Sweet Song

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Sweetheart 11/12

Human male Greninja×human male Primarina reader (wow, that's a mouthful...)

One more!!! Feel like guessing the last one before reading it?

Too be honest, everyone thought you were a girl when you first got to Smash. Everyone except him... Greninja was a dream come true for you. He saw you for who you are. A singer who happened to be a human Primarina and a fun guy. Well... You also were a badass in disguise. Don't mess with the quiet one. You on the other hand, saw him for what he was. A badass sweetheart with a sweet tooth. So... Can you guess what happened that Valentine's?

Your POV

"But... Nin~!" I whined at Gray (We're calling him Gray and that's final. K? K.). I wanted to make him a surprise this Valentine's and he's being a jerk about it. "No. It's my turn, remember? You promised that I'd get to surprise you this year." "But it's Valentine's!!!!! It's the one day I can break a promise, i-in a good way, to make you happy!!!!!" "Trust me. You'll love it." "Fine... You win, Gray. Where do you want to take me?" He just grinned and asked me to follow. What could- Holy mother of my Gay Bae (Leon from F.E.: Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. You're welcome, Jade. Had to make the joke.)...

"Well... I was hoping no one else was interested in seeing this, but everyone wanted to help their gay friend out with this." I look away from the massive (fave flowers+rose) arrangements and look directly at Gray. "W-What do you mean, Nin..." He grinned and whistled for someone. Soon, all our friends walked out from their hiding places with some poster boards. "Well... Here comes your surprise."

"Two years ago, I asked: 'Will you be my boyfriend?'; and you said yes." Pit flipped his poster board revealing the word 'Will'. "In less than a month, I gathered the courage to ask you: 'Could you sing me a song?' and needless to say, you said yes." Link flipped his poster board revealing the word 'You'. "A month ago, you told me one of your secret dreams: to get married, someday." Peach flipped her poster board revealing the word 'Marry' and at this point, I knew what Gray was doing and let him finish in tears (of joy). "And before I asked you to be my boyfriend, you became my everything." Robin flipped the last poster board revealing the word 'Me'. I grinned and beat Gray to the question. "Yes." "W-Wait, what?" "Yes, you adorkable idiot!" I heard our friends cheer, but soon it quieted down, at least for me, while Gray stole a kiss from me while slipping a (gold/silver) ring with a pearl on my finger. Damn, I love this nerd!


3rd person POV

Gray looked at (y/n). He got suspicious about something, once everyone was gone. "Hey, (y/n)? Were you surprised?" He laughed. "Not really." "WHAT?!" (y/n) laughed again. "Your excuses to leave the house got less and less believable. 'We ran out of cats'? Really?" Gray blushed. 'Damn he's cute...'

Hurricane delays. Not my fault, for once... Welp! What can I do about it? I hope you enjoyed reading this, stay awesomer than the awesome Prussia and hasta la pasta!

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