Red Velvet Frappuccino

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Sweetheart 6/12

Female Robin×Male barista Reader

Half way! 6 more!!!! I can do this to give you guys Piñas Coladas and what I owe! Btw, this is in Awakening and a modern Au.

You grinned as you saw Chrom's tactician walk into your café. They came so often that you knew them extremely well and you became their favorite barista and a friend. "Welcome back, Robin. The usual or a Valentine's seasonal special?" "H-Hey (y/n). Do you have red velvet frappuccinos or did you run out already?" you laughed quietly and answered her. "No, I haven't run out. I might have one of the most popular cafés in town, but I don't run out of things too often. Anything with the frappuccino?" She smiled. "Not really." "Okay, what name do you want it under?" "(fave anime character) [If you've never done this at Starbucks, your missing out.]" "Gotcha! Give me a sec..." I turn around to work on her drink and grab a marker too write the character's name and something extra.

Robin's POV

"Here you go, Robin!" "Thanks!" I smile at (y/n) and was about to pay for the drink. "Don't worry about it! It's a freebie!" I look at him surprised. "Really? Thank you, again!" "No problem!" I walk out and check the name on my drink with a surprise. Other than (fave anime character), there was a phone number writen. I smile and decide to call him later.

A few years later and your POV

I wake up and sneak out of my and Robin's room to get Morgan. This Valentine's day, Morgan and I decided to team up. "Morgan... Morgan, wake up! Remember our plan?" "hmm? *yawn* Already?" "Yup! Come on. We gotta make breakfast." "Okay!" Morgan and I get to work. I start making pancakes and set a small stack on a plate, and let Morgan decorate with a bit of syrup, whipped cream, bananas, and strawberries, while I work on Robin's red velvet frappuccino. Once Morgan and I were finished, I drew a card with him and signed it. We set everything on a tray and we take them to Robin's room. We go in and quietly wake Robin up. "Mom? Mom, good morning!" "Huh? W-*yawn*-What? Wait, what?" "Morning, my wifu. We made breakfast." "I helped!" "*sigh* Will you ever let me do something nice for you on this day, (y/n)?" "Maybe." Morgan grinned. "It's too fun!" Robin laughed and then noticed the thing that brought us together. "(y/n)..." "Yep! Dad said you'd like it!" "I love you both..." "Not more than I love both of you."
"I love you two more!!!"

FAAAAAAAAAAACK... 6/12... I can do this... I can finish this!!!!! Pls wish me luck and enjoy the gif. Anyway, stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!!!!

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