Vanilla Twilight

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Pit had left for Smash a few years ago. You missed him like crazy, but you don't want to ruin his days at Smashville. Viridi had given you your invitation to join your boyfriend as an unlockable character. Sure you said yes, but you thought he forgot all about you. Holly hell, were you wrong.

Pit's POV

(y/n) was supposed to get here today... W-Where is she? I wanna see her again, I... I hate it here!!! I just want my (y/n) ba- "A-are you ok, Pit?" Robin asked me. She's nice. Nice like (y/n)... "Hey, it'll be alright. She'll be here before you now it." Marth tried to cheer me up with that and I managed a small smile. "Y-your right. S-she should be here soon..." I looked at my hands. (y/n)'s fingers fit perfectly in between mine... We waited for a few hours and the sun started setting... She's still not... "Come on, Pit-stain. You know (y/n). She wouldn't leave you hanging like this, unless she's slightly late or can't make it, and she still makes it up to you." Pittoo is right, but... I stood up and ran toward my secret spot. It was a tall tree that hid a huge cavern full of bright crystals, a small lake, and a few plants under it's roots. Just like (y/n)'s spot back at Skyworld... I couldn't take it anymore and started crying. I sobbed for a while and when I calmed down a bit I started singing one of (y/n)'s favorite songs.

Your POV

No!!! I missed Pit! He left the spot, and now no one knows where he is! I run around till I start hearing a familiar voice sobbing. I look to the source and find a hole at the roots of a huge tree. I slide into the tunnel and start following it to hear the sobs quiet down and get replaced by Pit's voice singing Vanilla Twilight.

(go ahead and hit play. You join in at the second line I'll write the lyrics here)

Vanilla Twilight
(Owl City)

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
'Till I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist deep in thought because when
I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight...)

I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh if my voice could reach back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear:
"Oh darling, I wish you were here"

Pit's POV

T-that's-! "(Y-y/n)! Y-your here! I-I thought you f-forgot a-about me!" I started sobbing on (y/n)'s shoulder. At some point, (y/n) started sobbing on my shoulder and we stayed like that for a bit before catching up with eachother. It was just the start of a new chapter. One I'm glad I could write with you, (y/n).

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