The gods smile upon you

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Festive Piña Colada 2/2
Lucina×male Reader

Kill me now. Pls. I updated twice. This is gonna be cute garbage. This is gonna be for those who have to work or go to school on January 6th

Considering that you are a god of spirits, no one expected you to fall in love with a normal high school student. Well, both of you are high school students, but Lucina's normal. Today was just another day- wait, no. That's bullshit.

"(Y/n)! Where were you?" You dragged yourself to the seat next to Lucina with a disappointed look. Robin took the seat in front of you. "(Y/n)'s upset that there's class today." "Yeah. Where I'm from, we get this day off. It's like Christmas, but on January." You saw Lucina was interested, but the teacher interrupted you. "Ok, welcome back! I know some of you aren't exactly happy that we're back so soon, so I thought creative writing in pairs would chear some of you up! Better than reading another random book, right?" With that, half the class started talking again, but you and Lucina paired up (get it? Like in Fire Emblem? Oki, I'll stop.) to write. "So, what do you wanna write about, Lucina?" You were all set, just trying to think of ideas. "Well, I thought we could write about the holiday season from your home. What do you think?" "Thats actually pretty cool! Ok so..."


After explaining everything to Lucina, she got to work. You added a few details and ideas, and corrected the spelling on some Spanish words so you could both sign it and turn the story in. You guys might not have been able to spend the holidays together, but you spent them in story form. That story made something bloom in that friendship. Just a little love, at first, but that flower was not done growing.

Cute trash, as I promised. Pls kill me.

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