Shut up, and dance with me!

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LucinaxFemale Reader

Sorry but in this one you're a dancer from a rhythm game. It'll be cool, though! There'll be another oneshot for Lucina and Reader with something I thought up before I could write it down. So more Lucina for us!

Lucina's POV

  I fell in love with the shining star and dancer known as (y/n). I can't stop thinking about her! I told father and he simply grinned and told me to go after her. Today, Pit came running at full speed all over the town, delivering invitations to a party set up by Master Hand and Crazy Hand. I was excited to go, but... (y/n) will probably ask me to dance since I'm her best friend and I don't really know how to. Out of our duo, (y/n) is all fun and always on beat and I'm serious and off beat. I got ready for the party today, knowing I won't be able to escape my doom. I have to admit, even after I asked both Robins to teach me how to dance, I don't dare try it out in front of (y/n). There's nothing I can solve moping around. Once I'm done putting on a dark blue dress (it's a party, ok?) and styling my hair, I head on over to the plaza and the party.

Your POV and time skip to the party

I can't wait to find Lucina! I have to tell her, so now or never! I look around. Everyone's enjoying themselves, but I can't find Lucina... She said she'd be here. I quickly fix my (outfit) and walk over to the DJ. I request a few songs to get everyone to the dance floor and dance. Once the first songs start, people start crowding the dance floor and I start to dance. We had a few dance battles where we left the winner in the middle and the losers back out. I keep on winning to look for Lucina. As soon as Pit stepped in to challenge me, I forfeit the match (they all know I lost on purpose) and get out of the circle everyone made to find Lucina clapping while leaning to a pole. "Hey! I was looking for you! You look amazing in that dress!" Lucina blushed slightly. "Well, you know me. I was cheering you on, why'd you let Pit win? You could have easily beat him." I grinned. "I know and so do they. I was just using the dance battles as a way to find you!" Lucina blushed a bit more. "Hey, Lucina? I, um... I wanted to know if you'd dance with me." She sighed and turned to me. "(y/n), you know I don't and can't dance." That's it. "You can, you just don't believe in  yourself. Here, I'll show you!" As I dragged Lucina to the dance floor, everyone started choosing a partner to dance with. Mario and Peach got together, Luigi and Jade (happy?), Link and Chibi (u happy 2?), Sayi and Pit (no regrets), and me and Lucina where some of the couples out here... I wish Lucina figured out quicker that I love her.

I danced with Lucina for a few songs. She knew how to dance a bit, so teaching her was easier than usual. We danced a waltz, some salsa, a bit of merengue, and, of course, I taught Lucina how to dance alone. After a while, Lucina still begged me to let her sit down and enjoy. So, I had an idea to have pne last dance. I asked the other DJ, Neko, to play a new song and to give me a headset so I could sing it.

Lucina's POV

I finally sat down. I wish I didn't have to embarrass myself to make (y/n) happy. Suddenly, the song changed to a new one. I saw (y/n) walk over to me with a headset on her head. "Oh, don't you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me. She said 'You're holding back.', I said 'Shut up and dance with me!" After the song and a few others of dancing with (y/n), she dragged me toward the fountain. "Lucina. I've been waiting to tell you this for a while now. I really, really like you. I like you more than anyone else and-" (y/n) never got to finish her thought because I kissed her right in the lips. She kissed back after a while of shock. Once the need for air made us part, I grinned. "I love you too!" We spent the rest of the day dancing alone. Little did we know, everyone (777 words) else was watching us dance together and father recorded every moment of it.

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