I hope you like it...

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Candy Cane 4/4


Sorry I'm a lazy ass... Welp, at least I'm writing this for you. I suggest you play the song while reading.  Well, enjoy.

Your POV

I woke up to notice Pit wasn't here with me. I walk to the living room to find a huge box in the middle and a ton of gifts under the videogame themed Christmas tree (like figures and plushies as decorations). I walk up to the biggest present an see it's for me. I quietly open it to find- "Merry Christmas, (y/n)!" "*giggle* Merry Christmas to you too, Pit, but why are you whispering?" He then grabbed a smaller box. "Open it!" I opened the gift quietly to find... a kitten... Pit got me a (natural/fur/pattern) kitten... "Thank you!!!!" He laughed quietly. "No problem for the best girlfriend ever!" I grinned and got the gift I got him. "Here. Open it."

Pit's POV

I took the gift (y/n) gave me and opened it. It was a note that said... Oh my gods... (y/n) giggled quietly. "Remember how a few years ago you said you were in love with me, but in a few years later you'd love another girl that'll call me mommy? I guess you were right!" I was nearly crying out of joy, but I guess I was too quiet. "I-I hope you like it... I-I mean, you like the fact we'll be parents..." I started crying quiely with (y/n). "I-I love it. I l-love you both! This is the best gift ever!" Later on, (y/n) told everyone the news. Let's just say that if it weren't for (y/n), her brother, Hades, would've killed me, but I don't care. As long as all of us are together, I'll be happy.

I showed this to my sister and she actually said it was cute. Welp! Hope you enjoyed, stay awesomer than Prussia, and hasta la pasta!

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