You've got to be kitten me...

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Sweetheart 12/12

Zelda×Female Reader

Cats. I scrapped the entire thing and started writing with Yuri on Ice's You Only Live Once, and Siren's Lament's Ian in my heart. I WILL write the stuff I owe. Also, modern AU or in Smash. U pick.

Zelda may or may not have dragged you into Yuri on Ice and you may or may not have developed a crush on the anime character, Yurio. So... What happens when your girlfriend gets creative on Valentine's?

Your perfect POV

I wake up from my perfect dream to see... Not my girlfriend. I look around to only see everything except Zelda. I sigh and walk downstairs to make breakfast, coffee, and set up a movie for when Zelda gets back. This high school shit can get exhausting.

Zelda's POV

I grab Yurio (a kitten) and all his things and put them in a box. (Y/n) LOVES Russian Yuri, so I got her a cat like his. I named him Yurio for her and got all cat essentials... WAIT! I forgot the collar! I run with Yurio in my arms into the store. I look around trying to find the collars. "Mrow." "Come on, Yurio. Few more minutes and we'll go home." "Zelda? Whatcha looking for?" I turn to find Link smilling at me with a Pomeranian puppy in his arms. "What brings you here? I thought you'd be here with (best friend's name)." Link blushed. "W-Well... I was getting them a surprise." " "Yip!" "Mrow." "Hehe... You caught me getting a surprise for (Y/n)." Link grinned and grabbed my free hand to pull me in the opposite direction. "C'mon. The collars are this way." "What do you need me for?" "Uh... Well... I don't know much about (best friend's fave series), and (best friend's fave male character's name), here, needs a collar." I grin and pick out a good collar for (b.f.'s f.m.c.'s name). "Here. This is what you needed." Link grinned and grabbed a collar. "Thanks! Now, here. A collar that looks like it could belong to Yurio." "Oh! Thank- Wait! How so you know Yurio?" "I watch Yuri on Ice." "Mrow!" "Huh... Don't forget the other things!" "I won't! Happy Valentine's!" "Happy Valentine's to you too, Link!" I run out after paying with Yurio and his collar and rush home.

Once I get there, I find (Y/n) lying on the couch. "Happy Valentine's, (Y/n)!" "Happy Valentine's-That's today?!" "Yes, but you can cook later! Open the box!" I hand her tha massive, meowing box. "... You did not. You did not- You did!!!" My waifu opened the box with Yurio and fangirled. I hope we can make (Y/n) fangirl for years to come...

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