Prince of Shadows

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Sweetheart  5/12

Shadow Link×Human Ampharos Reader

Quick explanation! I chose Ampharos cause Ampharos' Pokédex entry says that the orbs can create light and in Heartgold and Soulsilver you help an Ampharos who is the light source of a lighthouse. Light and Shadow. Also, Prince Shadow cause why not? Okay, I'll get typing.

Your POV

I keep on runing, even though I am ready to collapse right there. I won't die at the hands of that THING. I try losing the monsters chasing me, but trip and roll down the steep hill. At the bottom of the hill, I painfully look up at the spider-like creature and my vision starts bluring. "Hey, hang in there!" With that, my world goes black.

Shadow's POV

I rush at the spider thing and kill it quickly to go back and help the girl. Holy shit... They're gonna be so pissed... I carefully pick up the girl, careful not to hurt her. Maybe... We could get along?

Almost a year later...

Your POV

Well, Shadow isn't the nicest person, but he can be extremely sweet to me. Sure he still has me living with him, but that's not his fault. He tried to get me either an escort to take me home or my herd (cause Ampharos starts out as a Mareep) to come pick me up, but being the "Prince of Shadows" makes my herd stay away and me being me, makes anyone wanting me as far as possible, well, not want to escort me. Thing is, A) I don't want to leave, and B) If I DO leave, I want to leave with Shadow (Even if temporarily). So, what better way to tell him than today, Valentine's day? I pick a (color) outfit and rush out to buy chocolate and marshmallows. As soon as I sneak back in, I make a bunch of notes for Shadow. This'll be awesome.

With Shadow~ (his POV)

Where the hell is (y/n)? I can't tell her if she isn't around. I'll-...

"Go to the kitchen."

And a marshmallow. I eat it and follow the note's directions. There, I find another note and a chocolate.

"Okay, go to the library."

I follow the directions again and I end up going there, my room, (y/n)'s room, the basement (wtf? Who in they're right mind...), and the town. Damn Ampharos... I finally find (y/n) in the garden. "Really? You make me walk all over the place to find you here?" She just giggles and kisses my cheek. "Happy Valentine's day, Prince of Shadows~." "(y-y/n)! Get back here!" "Nope! See you later, wifu!"

" "(y-y/n)! Get back here!" "Nope! See you later, wifu!"

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5/12. I can do this! Btw, Idk if ending it there makes it too short, but it just felt right and none of the pics are mine (no shit). So, please wish me luck so I can finish this quicker, stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!

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