I'll be your eyes for now.

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Dark PitxBlind Reader

Yup. First the Lucina chapter and now this. More feels for Dark Pit, except now I'm not gonna make anyone die!  YamiletteNegronReyes was going to post a PitxBlind Reader. After this, we'll have something more cheery. Welp enjoy!

Dark Pit's POV

I feel bad for (y/n). She used to be able to see, but now she's completely blind. She still remembers colors and all that, and she's still the best fighter in all of Smash Bros, but everyone seems to forget she's blind. I made it my job to keep my girlfriend safe outside of battle in town. I make sure she doesn't run into anyone or anything. She started calling me her 'Guardian Angel' and it can get kinda embarrassing. I kinda love it but... I wish I could do more for her. She's to nice to deserve this.

We were sitting by the cherry trees near her house. She suddenly spoke up. "What do you look like?" "What, as in what color is my hair and shit?" "Yeah. Exactly." "Um... Well my hair, wings, and clothe are black. Um... My eyes are pink (his eyes in Uprising are pink, not red) and I'm pretty pale, considering we spent three days at home making a YouTube video for my channel." She laughed at my comment. "Yeah, we should get out more. After a while of chatting, we went our separate ways. I want to do something for (y/n). Something no one else could do for her.


It's been a month since she asked me that. A month since I decided to give her the best surprise ever. I swallowed up my pride and went to Viridi's temple. Pit promised me he'd keep (y/n) safe while I ask Viridi a favor. I don't really want to beg, but... (y/n)'s special. I want to give her the one thing she misses. I want to give (y/n) her sight back. I know she wants to see again so I decided to ask Viridi first. "Viridi! I need a-" "Finally! I thought you'd never ask!" The fuck? "So... You're going to help me give (y/n) her sight back?" She grinned and replied "Uh, duh! She's pretty cool for a human and I've seen the way you look at her. So consider this as a favor and don't get used to it!" ... The fuck?! "A favor for free? You're joking, right?" "Pittoo, do you want help? Yes or no?" "Yes." "Well, I'm going to need all this. I'll get you to each item's location, but you have to find it yourself." "That's fine. And, uh... Thanks." She smiled. "No problem!" Good thing Viridi and (y/n) are friends, or that would have been harder.

🍮Time skip 'cuz I'm lazy🍮

Viridi mixed everything up and gave me the bottle. She told me to make sure (y/n) washes her face with this, which will be pretty easy. I make it back to (y/n)'s house to be tackle-hugged.

Your POV

As soon as I heard Dark Pit come back, I ran toward him, accidentally tackle-hugging him. He caught me in time, luckily. "Where were you? I missed you!" I heard him chuckle. "What, is Pit too cheery for you?" "No, it's'cuz you're my favorite." I know he's blushing now. Hehehe... He'd look so cute! "Hey, I have a surprise for you." "Really? What is it?" I felt Dark Pit pick me up and carry me inside my house. He set me down in my bathroom in front of the sink (you know this because it's your house and you know the layout, ok? Ok.). Okay... What the fuck? " Wash your face with this. And don't forget your eyes." Dark Pit let a soapy thing fall on my hands and I washed my face. While I dried me face with my towel I turned to my boyfriend. "Um... Dark, what the-" I stared at the raven haired angel in front of me. Pink eyes stared back hopefully. "So... Do you like it? I had a lot of help, but-" He didn't finish the thought as I interrupted him with a kiss. It lasted for a few minutes until we needed air. "I was right. You look cute when you blush." Dark Pit only blushed darker. "S-shut up! Besides, you're the cute one..." It was my turn to blush. After a while of keeping the secret to ourselves, we told everyone that I could see again. I owe Dark Pit for being my eyes and (777 words) my boyfriend. If the roles were reversed, I wouldn't hesitate to help you like you did to me. I love you, Dark Pit!

802 words. Two extra words, but whatevs! Now, I promise next chapter will be better and you'll probably laugh your butts off. And yes, it'll be another Dark Pit chapter. That's all I have to say so, stay awesomer than Prussia and Hasta la pasta!

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