I got tagged.

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I got tagged by my friend CanyonBrew200. Now you get to learn 14 useless things about me!!!


1. I actually drew today's pic.

2. I'm obsessed with Mimikyu and Sun and Moon aren't even out.

3. I like anime, manga, and video games! (no shit.)

4. My nicknames are Sans, Sayi (sah-yee), Chibi, Sari (Sah-ree), Sarita (sah-ree-ta [like in tap]), Spain, Saropi (sah+ropi like Keropi), etc.

5. If you haven't noticed by one of my nicnames, I like Undertale, but I haven't gotten the game.

6. I hate it when they call me Sarita.

7. I am currently 15 years old.

8. My birthday is on December 20.

9. I sometimes  eat tomatoes like apples.

10. I write because you guys seem to like my stories, I actually think they're trash while I'm still writing them.

11. I'm a tenth grader.

12. I'm Puerto Rican, but a lot of people think I'm from outside the island since I talk differently.

13. I'm in choir and glee club.

14. I love to draw, especially dragons.



ell, idk how many people I'm supposed to tag, so I'll tag a few.



If any of you who where tagged read this, please mention me so I can see what I started! For everyone, stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta!!!

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