Night and Light

999 7 0

Sweetheart 8/12

Palutena×Goddess Reader

Yup. July 21 and still 5 (with this one) to go. Btw, updates will be a little slower (I am already a Slowpoke at the rate this is going...) since I'm getting a new phone and this one's been disconnected. Don't worry, though. My new phone will be here soon and I'll finish this to get to the Piña coladas. On to the oneshot!

As Goddess of Night, you have never really seen daylight. To you, the world during the day was a complete mystery. Your only knowledge of what happens during the day was your angel, Dark Pit. Sure, Viridi took care of him during the day, but he was practically your own kid.

  As Goddess of Light, she could basically do as she pleased. She favored the day and was a favorite to the humans. Her angel was Pit, and he was practically her child. He's never really had to stay away from her.

Now... What were to happen if the Light fell in love with the Night?

"M-mom..." I roll the other way. "Mom, there's someone looking for you." I try moving, but I feel like I'm being crushed by something heavy. "(y/n), there's someone at the door. I know it's still too early, but they said they couldn't wait." "I... 'm c'min..." I can't even answer Dark Pit... Still a while to sunset, then... "If you want, I can tell them to wait until sunset." "pls do..." I hear Dark Pit get up from my bedside and walk away. From here, I hear the Goddess of Light and her angel talk to him and I can't help but wish I could join them...

"Do you think she's nice?" "Well, Pittoo's still here..." "Don't call me that." I look down the hall to see if (y/n)'s coming. We've already met, but it's been ages... I wonder if she still remembers me... "H-hey... S-sorry I t-took so long t-to answer..." I look at (y/n) closely. (length), (colour) hair, (colour) eyes, and (color) skin. Yep. Still the Goddess of Night I know and love. "Long time no see, (y/n)!" "H-hi, Palutena." "Wait, you know each other? Lady Palutena, you told me you've never been here!" "She hasn't been here, actually." "Right. (y/n)'s the one who would visit." "Oh..." "Hey, Pit-stain. We should leave them alone." (y/n) giggled and pointed them to the arcade room she made. "S-so! H-how are y-you?" "Better than you, apparently." She laughed quietly. "D-don't worry about m-me. I-I'm like t-this every t-time I w-wake up before s-sunset." "You have no idea what day is today, don't you." "N-no... W-wait... T-the 14 of F-February?" I smiled softly. "Why did you think I came early?" She was blushing as much as me. "I love you, Goddess of Light." I kissed (y/n) on the cheek. "I love you more!"

"So... That's what happened after we left?"
"So... We're moving in with (y/n) and Pittoo."
"Yup. Let's get our stuff."
"We'll help!"
"Wait, you mean now?!"
"Yes, now let's get going!"

I liked how this turned out. I made the POV switches more subtle. Pls tell me if you think I should make more oneshots like this or go with the usual obvious POV switches, stay awesomer than Prussia, don't worry about my phone switch (I'll update whenever I can, more when the new phone arrives), and hasta la pasta, my BOOtiful readers!

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