Just Peach-y

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Hallow-Treat 2

PeachxMale Mute Reader

Second Hallow-Treat! Enjoy!

Your POV

I am a pun lover in love with someone else's princess. Her eyes are my favorite thing. I hate the fact that she would never be mine. I can't speak my mind and tell her. Literally. I was glad there was a costume party Peach set up. I can't believe I can act like everything is just Peach-y. Heh... "(y/n)!!!" I turn and see my best friend. Peach. (stuff that's said in sign language will be like this) "What's up?" I snicker. "Well, the sky, Pit, birds-" She tried not laugh and said: "Don't be a smartmouth!" We laugh a bit. "So, where's the party?" I signed. "At my home. Why do you ask?" I grin ready to sign out another pun. "No reason. I just wanted to know if I would have to knock." "What?" "Because you know how much I a-DOOR your humble abode." I sent Peach on a laughing fit and she playfully snacked the back of my head. "You should be PUN-ished." I quietly laugh at the joke she signed. It was usually like this. We would have full on conversations and use sign language for things that should be kept between us. "I have to go now, (y/n). I'll see you at the party?" I nod and she smiles. I HAVE to win her heart by tonight.

👻Time skip from hell to the party🎃

  I dressed up as Kaito from Vocaloid with the Cantarella Grace Edition outfit and opened the front door of Peach's mansion (get it? No? Ok...). The music was pretty loud and everyone was having fun. I walk around and find Peach dressed as Sakura Miku (see where this is going? No? ...). I walk to her as my favorite song starts. (play the song and change Kaito for you and Miku for Peach). Once the song end, Peach drags me to the balcony. "So! Having fun (333 words), (y/n)?" My eyes widen. "How'd you know?" "I know you. Besides, you didn't bother to try singing the song." I blush. Now or never, I guess. "Hey, Peach? I have something to tell you." She looks at me and asks me to go on. "I, uh... I love you..." I was about to think she rejected me when I felt her pull me by the coat to kiss me. I close my eyes and bring her closer and we stayed like that until we felt a flash go off. I turn and find the Mario bros. with their phones in hand. "Hey, guys! Send me the pictures later!!" They laugh and agree to Peach's request and left me there blushing with my princess in my arms. "You okay, (y/n)?" I grin. "Just Peach-y!"

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