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Don't kill me, I've been tortured (exaggeration, but it felt like it) enough. I've been stuck reading "Don Quixote of la Mancha" (is that how you write it in English?) for Spanish class. I hated almost every minute of it (I didn't like it, but read it if you want. I'm not gonna tell you to or not to read it.), but I'm done. So before I give you the late Fireworks and a requested one shot, I got tagged!

D.P.: No shit.

Shut up, Dark Pit. Anyway, @Canyon tagged me. Soooooo... 10 facts of an oc? Um... I'm going to use Hylissa for this, k? K.


1. She's at her third life. She used to be human, died, became a cat, died, and now is a neko angel. Yup.

2. She's a merchant, but she's known to sometimes give away stuff.

3. She loves tapioca.

4. Her favorite song is "Tapioca no Uta". Yup.

5. DO NOT CALL HER "KITTEN"!!!! She hates that.

6. Her weapons are claws (similar to Pit's in KI:U) and seashell-Kabutop's-arm-like dual blades. Idk how to explain that, but okay.

7. She dislikes tuna. And she's a cat.

8. She likes cats and dogs alike. Cats more, though. And owls... Most...

9. She's a red furred cat in cat form. She also has wings in cat form, too.

10. She's afraid of rats. Yup. A mouse? She says nothing. A rat? She shrieks and calls for help to anyone who she knows is nearby. Yup.

Hell yeah, done!

So, I'll try to write the fireworks for before tomorrow, but I'll write the SweetHearts for tomorrow! Stay awesomer than Prussia and Hasta la pasta till later!

Oh! And tags. Uh... I'll do five. Please add me to the "Kill later" list.


Welp. I added this cause I forgot. Sorry.

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