My present.

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Candy Cane #1

Female RobinxFemale Reader

Christmas special, yay! Sorry I didn't do this yesterday, but my family took me to watch Rogue 1. Also, I'll have the Yandere Robin one shot done later. Oh, and I drew the drawing here. Enjoy the special!

Your POV

I woke up before Robin and ran downstairs to find the gift I hid from her. I took it and ran upstairs to give it and some breakfast to her. "Hey... Robin." My girlfriend rolled to the other side and just mumbled. "Robin... hey... it's Christmas... Sweet Heart (the Pkmn item)... hey..." I did that for a while until Robin woke up kinda annoyed. "What *yawn* is it, (y/n)?" I grinned. "Merry Christmas~!" Robin was kinda shocked. Then she smirked."Good thing I hid this." And then she took a present from under my bed. I thought I cleaned that... Oh, well! That's what I get for dating a tactician. We ate breakfast kinda quick and Robin gave me her gift first. "Open it!" I quickly obeyed and opened the gift to find a beautiful pendant (like those in the video) that was (f/c).

"'s beautiful..." She smiled and answered: "I saw you playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and noticed that you took a few pictures of the flowers pendants, so I made you one!" I grinned. "We're on the same page then." Robin opened her present to find a copy of a book I was writing and that she had wanted to read for a long time. She couldn't say thanks cause I interrupted her with a kiss under the mistletoe I hung from the ceiling. Best Christmas ever.

1/4, let's go! Stay awesomer than Prussia and hasta la pasta for now!

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