chapter two

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SONG: "American Candy" - The Maine


The next morning my alarm went off and I reluctantly rolled out of bed and onto my floor. I stood up and walked over to my closet. I changed into some black leggings and a white tee shirt; then did some quick makeup and straightened my hair. After getting ready I walked downstairs and sat at the table, my mother placed some waffles down and Katie and I started eating.

"You girls are going to have to take the bus today, because I need to use the car." Mother explained. I let out a groan and my mother eyed me.

"Okay," I said quickly apologizing. We heard the bus pull up outside the house and I threw on my grey converse and ran out the door followed by Katie.

"See you after school!" she yelled at me as I walked to the back of the bus, I rolled my eyes and slid into an empty seat. I put my headphones in and turned on some music. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed inside. I started unpacking my bag into my locker when I saw another body lean against it.

"May I help you?" I said not looking up.

"Depends," he said "are you still a goody goody?"

"Actually you know what?" I said standing up and staring into his eyes, "Yes." I said as I slammed my locker shut and started walking away.

"Hey, that's okay! I hear opposites attract!" he smirked.

"What do you want from me Brendon?" I asked stopping in my tracks.

"Nothing, I just know you hate me."

"Obviously," I said.

"Well, what do you want from me?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him confused. Had he already figured out what was going through my head?

"Well, you have History first hour and we already passed the history room," he smirked. I looked down at the textbook in my hands and then at Brendon, he was laughing. I felt my face turning red.

"You're cute when you get embarrassed," he commented.  Did he just call me cute?

"If you'll excuse me, I have a class to get to," I said turning around quickly and walking towards my history class.

"I'll see you at later, Alex!" Brendon called. He called me Alex.

The beginning of the day went by quick, and I was ready for lunch. I walked into the cafeteria with my best friend.

"So like everyone is going to be there, so you have to go with me! I promise it'll be fun!" My best friend Hannah begged. She was trying to get me to go to some party this weekend. Hannah was a good kid, around adults, but when it came to parties she could be found with a beer in one hand and a boy in the other. You could imagine or maybe ask yourself why hasn't she changed my reputation? Well, Hannah and I have always been friends. It wouldn't be drastic enough for me to break the rules with her in fact it could come off as predictable, if I was going to change it had to be big. Everyone had to know. I loved Hannah but I never dared stepping into her life. I never once stepped foot in a party mostly because I wasn't invited second because I had no interest whatsoever in seeing my best friend make bad decisions. I sober cabbed a few times for her but nothing crazy.

I saw Brendon sit down at a table with his friends straight across from where we were. He immediately saw me and made eye contact with me. I turned away to avoid coming off as creepy but I couldn't help it and I looked back at him. When he saw me this time he gave me a small slight devilish smirk.

"Hello? Earth to Alexandria," Hannah waved her hand in front of my face. "What the hell are you even looking at?" she asked as she followed my eyes, when she saw Brendon she quickly turned back to me. "Oh my god!" she shrieked. "The pastor's son?"

"What about him?" I asked trying to hide my red face.

"You like him!" she announced which caused one too many heads to turn towards us and I mentally slapped myself.

"What?" I laughed it off.

"Deny it all you want but I can tell when someone is mentally undressing someone in the middle of a high school lunch room. And from the looks of it you and him were thinking the exact same thing," she stated. She sat back and let out a triumphant sigh. We sat quiet for a while and I was praying so hard she would drop the subject. "He'll be at the party," she said nonchalantly. Suddenly the thought of a party didn't sound so bad. It sounded intriguing and it seemed like a step closer to my goal.

"Han, I don't think this party is a good idea. Plus my mom would never let me go to a party," I laughed. She grabbed my hands from across the table and looked me straight in the eye.

"Alexandria, you are about to be a normal teenager for the first time in your life. Tell your mom you are coming over to my house on Friday. I won't be home till five, so we can't get ready together but I can pick you up if you want?" she spilled her evil plan.

"I can't leave my house looking party ready! I need somewhere to get ready!" I complained, knowing my mother would never let me leave the house wearing what I will be on Friday. Hannah looked stumped for a few minutes then her face lit up.

"Don't you usually volunteer at the church after school?" she said with an evil smile.

"Oh no," I gasped.

"Tell your mom you are going to volunteer at the church then sleep over, bring all of your shit to the church and get ready there. I'll pick you up at six." She smiled. I felt my heartbeat speed up.

"Han, this literally goes against everything I have ever believed in my life," I said.

"Alexandria, you need to learn how to be a fucking teenager, welcome to high school!" She said.

"Okay, but I need help figuring out what to wear," I said.

"We'll take a shopping trip after school," she said clapping. I sat back and smiled at my best friend.

As scared as I was to step out of the bubble that was my comfort zone, it was now or never and I wasn't missing the chance. 

"Hey, if you are going to be getting it on withBrendon anytime soon, tell him to hook me up with his hot friend Dallon," shewinked as we parted ways for our next class, I just smiled and laughed. RL}seª.s

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