chapter six

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My eyes opened slowly and I squinted at the sun shining through the window. I looked around, I wasn't in my room and I most certainly wasn't in Hannah's room. I had no clue where I was and I slipped out of the large bed I was currently lying in. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and noticed I wasn't wearing my clothes from last night.

What the fuck happened last night? I thought to myself. I was wearing some random boy's boxers and my sports bra.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and looked through all my messages from Hannah.

A, oh my god I am at Dallon's house wtf!

Hey, how are you? You okay?

Sorry for leaving you at the party!

Not really but please answer me!


Answer me! I'm worried!

Call me please!

Okay Dallon said you are with Brendon so I'll pray you aren't dead somewhere.

Call me ASAP please

I love you ;)

I was with Brendon? I don't even remember what happened last night.

I walked out of the bedroom and down a thin hallway until I heard faint singing. I slowed my steps and quieted my breathing so I could hear him better.

"I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck. Than any boy you'll ever meet sweetie you've got me," his voice was low and so smooth. "Girl I was it look past the sweat, a better love deserving of. Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat, no you know it will always just be me." Damn, if I didn't think he was already hot his voice is literally melting me.

He stopped suddenly and I looked over at him. "Do you like it?"

"What? Oh sorry, I didn't mean to listen in but it sounds really good!" He stood up and walked over to me.

"But do you like it?"

"Yeah," I said feeling my breathing hitch in my chest.

"So, Alex did you sleep well?" he let out a big breathe of air.

"I think so. But my head is killing me and I don't remember anything," I said turning a nice shade of red.

"Welcome to the world of hangovers," he laughed as he pulled two tablets from a jar on the counter. I quickly swallowed them and Brendon smiled at me.

"So how did I get here? And where exactly are we?" I asked.

He guided me over to the couch and sat me down.

"Well last night after your little misunderstanding with Spencer we sat on the balcony talking for a bit but you fell asleep. I doubt your mother would have enjoyed that state you were in and Hannah had run off with Dallon so I took you to my place," he said motioning to the room.

"How did I get changed then?" I asked feeling a little insecure about the fact he might have had to change me.

"Don't worry, I didn't see you naked," he laughed. "When we got here you were piss drunk and you threw up on yourself so I gave you some clothes to change into and I just helped you out. I didn't see anything don't worry!"

"Okay," I nodded. "So where is your dad?" I asked looking a round there was no way the pastor was okay with this.

"Oh, he thinks I'm over at Ryan's still. This is my apartment," he explained.

"You have your own apartment?" I asked shocked.

"Of course. Me and my father don't get along very well have you met either of us?"

"I guess," I said. I looked around the room a bit and looked at the clock.

"OH MY GOD! Is that the actual time?" I asked standing up panicked.

"Yeah why?"

"I was supposed to be home an hour ago!" I said frantically searching for my things.

"I'll drive you!" he said getting his keys.

"No! I am going to have to deal with my mom enough since I'm late I cannot be seen with you she will literally have my head on a platter!" I said running out the door.

I quickly ran down the alley way and towards my house. It took me a total of ten minutes and I had to run faster than I had ever run before.

I stood outside my door and took a deep breathe before opening the door.

"Alexandria White!" my mother immediately screamed at me.

I slowly turned to face her. I could tell she was not only angry but she was also worried. She had been crying too. I felt my heart start to break.

"I'm so sorry mom," I started but now she was angry.

"No Alexandria. You are grounded, go to your room," she screamed.

I walked up the stairs and let some tears escape my eyes. I have never gotten in trouble before and I wasn't prepared for what came next.

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